
God has been good in my life. He has sent many people my way who have intervened in my life at the just the right time. People who reached their hand out to me and made a huge difference in my life. Not only do they reach their out to me, but I do the same for them, even when I don't have everything together I can still love. But I think that's how most normal relationships go. I love what Romans 1:12 says "When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours." I am grateful for the people I have had the privilege of knowing and loving. I'm thankful for the footprints they leave in my life. I don't know why God doesn't allow some of them to stay in my life for a long period of time. However, I know he sees the bigger picture, and I just enjoy the time I do have with them.
I am reminded of the story of Saul and Ananias in Acts 9. Ananias made an intervention in Saul's life and as a result Saul's name was changed to Paul and He changed the world. Paul ended up writing 70% of the New Testament. Isn't that incredible to think about?! All because one man, Ananias listened to what God told him to do, and by speaking 1 sentence to Saul, he was changed in every way. That gives a whole new meaning to "I once was blind, but now I see."
Who do you need to be an Ananias to? Maybe you're being an Ananias right now, that's awesome. That person may go on to change the world, and you will always be apart of the testimony. I may not go on to change the world, all though I really want to, the people who have impacted my life will always be apart of my story. Their love will always live in me.
Jesus made the ultimate intervention on our lives when He died on the cross.
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