It's So Good To Know Jesus

Wouldn't you agree that it is good to know Jesus?
There is nothing I enjoy more than having Him in my life. Without Him nothing would really be possible. He is my everything. He is the lifter of my head, my strong tower, my light, my lover, my sustainer, my hope. Is that the Jesus you know?

For a long time I have been seeking Gods will for my life. I've read tons of books on how to find Gods will for your life, I've prayed about it, I have looked for advise in people I love and trust, and I have read my Bible. Do you know what I have come to find? God's will isn't going to be written in black and white for you to read exactly. You aren't going to find His will for your life in college books. You find His will for your life when your relationship with Him is where it should be. When you communicate to Him through prayer, when you are in His word daily, and allow it to speak to you. That's living in the will of God, He'll take the rest from there. When your that close to God, and on the same wave link as Him it will become obvious what He wants you to do. He will give you discernment, and a peace about what to do with your life.
It's so good to know Jesus.

People like to talk to me about their problems and what concerns them about their life. From people I know and love dearly to random people I've never met before. I'm thankful people confide in me, and feel like they spill about their life...(hhuummm another Jesus clue about ministry?)...and know that I will pray for them or just give a few encouraging words. It also gives me a chance to tell them about Jesus if they don't already know Him. It's all good to tell me your problems, it's Biblical to do that. We are instructed in Galatians to "carry each others burdens." But I'm not Jesus, I can't do what He can do in your life. I can be your friend, encouraging you and praying for you. But Jesus has a huge "TELL ME" sticker on His forehead. Go talk to the King!
It's so good to know Jesus.

I could use every good word in the dictionary to describe Him, yet I would not have really described Him to you. He's Indescribable. Yet, I know's so good.

What do you believe about Jesus? Find Him, you'll be glad to know Him. He is everywhere. He has never been hidden from you.


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