Lead me Lord, I will Follow

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps."
-Proverbs 16:9

Lately in life I have been learning what it means to follow Jesus. Things haven't been going as I have wanted them too, in other words how I had planned. By now I thought I would be on my own, have a job, with a little money in my pocket, have a descant car, and be on my way to a 4 year college. Successful in my definition. However, God's definition of successful and my definition of successful aren't alike. God takes us his way, and we have to follow Him...most of the time blindly. That's hard for me to do. Sometimes when life gets really tough, I think God hates me; all the while knowing in the back of my mind he really loves me. He tells us so in Isaiah 43:4 "I Love You." It's all about Faith. The harder the trial, the deeper our faith will be grown and stretched. My pastor made an awesome statement in church last Sunday: "It's not so much God being faithful to us as it is we being faithful to Him." After all what is it we will hear when we get to heaven? "Well done my good and FAITHFUL servant."
At the beginning of this year I began to get really serious about my relationship with Jesus. I have been down at the alter many Sunday Mornings, asking God to show me His will for my life, to help me understand His ways, to lead me and I will follow, I want Him to do what He want to with my life. Really, without Jesus I am nothing. My hands are His to do as he will's, my feet are His, everything about me is His. There was always an older lady who would come down every Sunday and lay her hand on me and pray over me. I know a lot of people pray for me, and I know it's because of their prayers I am where I am today. The same goes for all of us...we all have people in our lives praying for us. Prayer is powerful!
I'm sure there are a lot of people in the same boat and I am in now. It's hard to follow God at times. It's easy to chase after things that we can touch and see and enjoy.
We have (I do) to remind ourselves who God is. God says in Isaiah, "Who can Compare to me?" Who is like our God? Perfect One, Matchless King, Consuming Fire, The Great I Am, Purest Lamb. He's all these things and more, and we have to believe that He is not leading us astray. Sometimes I think we are in His will and don't even know it. I wonder if thats where I am now.
I don't have any wise advise to give, because I don't know. All I can tell you is there is a Savior, who is the King, Victorious Warrior and Lord of Everything, my Rock and Shelter, my very own Blessed Redeemer who reigns upon the Throne. That's all we need to know. Keep praying for courage.

Lead me Lord, I will follow you.


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