Life is Meaningless

Apart from God, life is meaningless. Everything we do, if it is not for God then we have wasted our time. This is what the book of Ecclesiastes is about. Solomon is looking back on his life, much of which was lived apart from God. He wrote this book hoping to spare future generations (us) the bitterness of learning through our own experiences that life is meaningless apart from God.
If we are going to enjoy anything in life, we need to keep God at the center of everything we do, marriage, jobs, relationships, eating, drinking...everything. When you work to the glory of God he's going to bless you, you're laying up treasures in Heaven. When conflict comes up in your family or marriage, if God is the center of that relationship you go to Him, go to His word he will prove who is right and wrong. God will deal with each of his children individually too. We all will answer to Him one day.
Many people feel dissatisfied. Solomon tests our faith in the book of Ecclesiastes. He challenges us to find true and lasting meaning in God alone. Just as Solomon had to take a hard look at his life, we need to do the same. We need to see how important serving God is over all other options. God wants us to be in his perfect purpose and direction for our lives, maybe we need to rethink where we are.
Have we committed our lives to Him? Present and future? Is our life measuring up to His standards? God's standards never change. Why keep up with worlds ever changing standards when you can plant firmly forever into God's standards?
We weren't just thrown here on earth for a short time to survive and work hard and die. It is when we invest in the Kingdom that our lives become filled with meaning, because the Kingdom will last forever.
So in closing I would encourage you to go read the book of Ecclesiastes. It's not very long only 12 chapters. It is packed full of wisdom!


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