Not of this World

These past couple of days God has really been pressing the thought upon my heart that He is trying to bring His children back to Him. In this time of financial crises and unemployment I believe in my heart that God is stripping everything away for a purpose. He is preparing us for our eternal home, but I think He's also trying to reiterate what job He has assigned us. We as believers don't belong here, and I think we put a lot of energy, time, and resources into our earthly life, and don't contribute or "lay up treasures" in Heaven. Like I said in my last post it is easy to chase after things that are tangible, and that we can enjoy. I don't Jesus has a problem with that, He wants to bless us. At the same time though I can't help but think, are we investing in the Kingdom?
As technology progresses we become so wrapped up in it. Which again, no problem, but we must acknowledge that all we have and all we are is because of God. I think if anything God is testing our faith. He's coming back for us. It says in 2 Peter 3:8-10 that the day of the Lord will come unexpectedly, like a thief in the night. He's not being slow about His return, He's waiting for everyone to repent. We're not of this world.
God knows who His children are, He knows who has accepted Him, and who will never accept Him. When that last one repents and accepts Jesus, that's it, He's coming back. But in the meantime who will be that one to go tell that one soul about Jesus? That is our job first and foremost because Jesus told us to do it. His return is very close, our time to go home gets closer and closer as everyday, and every second that goes by. I have always believed we have to become so desperate all we can do is turn to God. It's in those times when we allow God to actually work and move in our lives, to change us. He is able to lift our heads. Heaven is real, and Jesus is coming for us...very soon. Are you ready? What have you invested in? Earth? Go Green!! or Heaven? Heaven is a sure thing, and it lasts forever. It's your choice.
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