For the Students

This picture is from the Syracuse Mission Trip this summer. It blesses my heart every time I see it. What a work God did.
As school has started and we're coming off the high of summer fun and mission trips it's easy to fall back into the way of doing things or hanging with some people you shouldn't hang out with.
What I've been thinking about this week is how being in College has really challenged and stretched my faith. I have come to realize how deeply planted I need to be in God's word and in my relationship to Him to survive. It's not just in college predominately either, it's everywhere. Even as a baby Christian it's important to stand on the Word of God and not let the world take you back. You need to plant in your heart what your morals are, what are your standards? Are you reading your Bible every morning? Are you praying? Are you earnestly seeking the heart of God? Do you strive to please only Him?
Be yourself with Jesus. Don't try to be this "religous" person who talks Christianese all the time where lost people and even Christians can't understand you. Jesus loves you for who are. He created you the way you are, and knows you. Just be you. He accepts you...he just wants you to accept Him for who He is. The more you allow God into your life the more He will be able to change you into the Christ follower you ought to be. But don't expect it to be easy, because it's not. But it's crucial you stay planted in Christ Alone.
My whole thing in life is to change the world. It is my passion to start a Revolution among Christians and the church. I strive to always be the best I can be. I might not be the most popular person, but I live by what I believe in my heart. I read my Bible in the hall at school, I proclaim in many ways that I am a Christian. We live in a lost and dying world that is going to Hell, and what's sad is we don't live our lives based on what God thinks about us, but by what our lost "friends" think about us. People are searching for the truth, they are waiting for us to tell them about Jesus.
I heard this quote once, "Earth is the closest thing to Hell and Believer will experience, however, for the Non-Believer Earth is the closest thing to Heaven they will experience."
Stay planted students. Keep seeking Jesus. I pray for you, and love you, and am here for you if you need me.
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