My Bible

I don't know about you but my Bible looks like it's been through a lot. I love my Bible. Do you ever just take a minute to think about your Bible? What has happened in your life and all the years you have had your Bible? Who gave it to you? How long have you had it?
For me, my life is lived through my Bible. I treasure it more and more everyday, holding on to it's truth, and words of Jesus spoken to us. I received my Bible August 11, 2002 at the first church my dad pastored, Trinity Baptist Church. I wasn't a Christian at the time. My whole Christian journey has been lived out in my Bible. I have often thought when I die I want my Bible to be out beside my casket because I'm really not dead. My life is penned in my Bible, and I'm alive and well with my Savior. But hopefully that is a long way off, but you never know. I've written the deaths of loved ones, favorite verses, prayers in times of sorrow, prayers in times of rejoicing, quotes, thoughts, songs I have written, and what God is doing in my life. When I felt like giving up on life, His word screamed my worthiness of His love. When I feel like everyone is against me, God says "I'm for you." When my heart is mourning, God says "Rest in me." When I don't even have the words to pray or speak, He speaks them for me. My Father in heaven ever intercedes on my behalf lavishing His love on me. I praise Him for His love, I praise Him for His mercy and goodness. Who can compare to our God? Who is like the High and Mighty One? Who can satisfy our desires as He can? Who can convict our hearts as He can?
I desire to have Jesus in every aspect of my life. In the morning when I rise, when I'm alone, when I'm asleep, when I'm at school, when I'm with my family. Where do we find Jesus? In the Bible, where His words speak directly to our hearts. We find Him in creation. Look around you. He made you. He made everything.
Some people are funny about marking in books, and their Bible. The book thing I can understand, I'm very OCD about that but I am having to break that in some classes I am taking this semester. However, when it comes to your Bible I believe you need to mark all over it. I love to read other peoples notes in books and especially Bibles. There is so much you can learn. After being at my Grandmamas house over the weekend I brought home some books that my Granddaddy marked in and what treasure that is to me, to know his thoughts and see his hand writing, and what spoke to him.
Love your Bible, carry it with you everywhere you go. I do...sometimes I forget it, but not all the time. Pull it out when your having a bad day, I need to work on that personally. Treat it like your cell phone. God sends lots of text messages.
I guess if you were to ask me what my favorite books of the Bible are, I would have to say: Job, Psalms, Isaiah, Zechariah, and Ephesians. Those are books I could read over and over and over and over again....yes even the depressing book of Job.
Stay planted in the Word, it'll change your life.


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