His Fingerprints Are Everywhere

"Listen, Job; stop and consider the wonderful miracles of God!"
Job 37:14

The thought has been with me all day about how much our lives matter. We plant seeds in peoples lives and don't even know it. Seeds that will one day take root and change the course of a persons life. We plant seeds through our actions, and our words, our choices...etc. etc.
However, the thought also came to mind that sometimes we might not even have to mention God's name to point someone to Jesus. Sometimes we Christians, including myself, can intimidate "unbelievers" with our strong Christian faith, and our talk of the Bible all the time. While I'm not saying that is wrong, I think sometimes we just need to relax and not be so self-conscience about if people see Jesus in us that it makes others uncomfortable to be around us; it defeats the whole purpose.
I believe we are to model after Jesus, and when we read about Jesus in the Bible, he sure does do a lot of teaching. The Bible doesn't contain the whole ministry of Jesus' 33 years here. While he taught, I believe he knew how to have fun around people. I believe he cracked jokes, laughed, sang songs, watched the children play games and cheer. Jesus did essentially come to earth to identify with man.
I have a lot of unsaved friends and family. I could talk about the Bible to them a lot, I could talk about church a lot or about how I read my Bible diligently and pray and while it might turn them to Christ, they aren't really going to be able to identify with me in those things. But we can relate with each other on some other things like a ball game, just doing what friends do. But as you do those things make wise choices, keep your testimony while still having fun.
Here's a perfect example. In the book of Esther, God's name is never mentioned in the whole book, however, His fingerprints are all over it. Look at creation. We don't call the stars, God, but his fingerprints are on it, we don't call the ocean, God, but his fingerprint is on it, we don't call each other, God, but his fingerprints are on us. You see, when he penetrates our hearts and minds we don't have to say his name, He just automatically radiates out of us. We have his mark.
So when we go do fun things with a friend who may be an unbeliever, we might be planting seeds in their life and won't even know it. You never know how your life speaks to someone. Only time will tell. Creation in itself is the Gospel of Jesus.
I read in Titus this morning, we claim to know God, but deny him by the way we live. Titus is about self-control, and integrity. That is what will speak volumes to a person. I have been praying for discernment since the age of 11 or 12, and I am now 21...and I still pray for it.
Keep praying for them. Don't give up on them. Keep loving them. God's love through you speaks volumes. And remember it's not YOU that saves them, it's Jesus. He has a plan and will work it according to His purpose.


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