Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room

As the hymn, “Joy to the World!” by Isaac Watts proclaims:
Let every heart prepare Him room!
Advent is a time of preparation. Not for one, but all...as the line implies, let every heart be prepared to welcome the One who comes.
The hymn, Joy to the World, is based upon Psalm 98, and there are two passages of that Psalm contained in this book.
"7 Let the sea roar, and all that fills it; the world and those who live in it. 8 Let the floods clap their hands; let the hills sing together for joy 9 at the presence of the Lord, for he is coming to judge the Earth. He will judge the world with righteousness, and the peoples with equity."
Theologian, Walter Brueggemann, calls this a psalm of new orientation, about “The Once and Future King.” It is peculiar that this hymn, so often associated with Christmas joy, is drawn from the wells of the Hebrew hymnal, and that the Savior we prepare for is timeless and is a lot more than the Christmas season can hold. But if the Savior is timeless, He is also timely, and in the present here and now. He has both come, and is coming. And while He is larger than any contrivance of the calendar, and certainly larger than can be contained in this world, He is also small enough to enter your heart and mine.
There is a poem by Robert Herrick that says it well:
"Christ, He requires still, wheresoe'er He comes
To feed or lodge, to have the best of rooms:
Give Him the choice; grant Him the nobler part
Of all the house: the best of all's the heart."
Let us all prepare room in our hearts this season!
Take a few moments to read each day, set aside a quiet time and keep Christ's truth close to our hearts, and cherish just as Mary pondered and cherished Jesus in her heart. Hear what God has to say to you through the gift of these reflections. The wonderful writings that The WORD holds.
Say a prayer that God will walk with you this season as you prepare the best part of
yourself for Christ’s presence — your heart. Welcome the Once and Future King!
Dear Heavenly Father,
How can we not be moved by you? We cherish your love. We ponder on your love. Each day let us remember to prepare our day with you included. You're always there. Our hearts are open to you. Thank you for sending your son Jesus into the world. What a treasure. Thank you for the Joy that we do find in Jesus. Thank you most of all, that Jesus didn't stay a baby, but that he grew up, he died on the cross for us, and rose again! T May we never forget the meaning of Christmas. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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