Nail it to the Cross
"Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there."
Galatians 5:24
The Lord laid on my heart tonight the verse above. This verse convicted me, and as I began to think of all the things I struggle with and cry out inside about I decided thought of a creative meaningful way to visually see this verse and apply it to my life. I wanted to share this with you so you too can experience the peace, and the weight lifted that I did.

You can print this cross out, or you can draw one. I drew one. On this cross, write down everything you struggle with, whatever you want to give to Jesus write it on the cross. As you are writing begin to pray:
Father, through your son, Jesus, I daily crucify___________and overcome these sinful things by your power that is in me. They are covered by your blood. In Jesus' name!
When you are finished writing, take a red crayon or marker and color over all the things you wrote down, symbolizing that they are covered by Jesus' blood. Keep this as a reminder, put it somewhere that you will see it every morning and daily claim your victory in these things. I have also listed beside my problems scripture that reminds me to not be that way. For example, Anxiety- Philippians 4:6-7. When you struggle go to that scripture.
We cannot let Satan win over our thoughts. He has won to much.
Nail it all to the cross, Jesus is the only one who can overcome each and every hurt, trial, and mess up. Jesus has overcome, and the grave is overwhelmed! The Victory is won, He is risen from the dead! Oh Victory in Jesus!
Galatians 5:24
The Lord laid on my heart tonight the verse above. This verse convicted me, and as I began to think of all the things I struggle with and cry out inside about I decided thought of a creative meaningful way to visually see this verse and apply it to my life. I wanted to share this with you so you too can experience the peace, and the weight lifted that I did.

You can print this cross out, or you can draw one. I drew one. On this cross, write down everything you struggle with, whatever you want to give to Jesus write it on the cross. As you are writing begin to pray:
Father, through your son, Jesus, I daily crucify___________and overcome these sinful things by your power that is in me. They are covered by your blood. In Jesus' name!
When you are finished writing, take a red crayon or marker and color over all the things you wrote down, symbolizing that they are covered by Jesus' blood. Keep this as a reminder, put it somewhere that you will see it every morning and daily claim your victory in these things. I have also listed beside my problems scripture that reminds me to not be that way. For example, Anxiety- Philippians 4:6-7. When you struggle go to that scripture.
We cannot let Satan win over our thoughts. He has won to much.
Nail it all to the cross, Jesus is the only one who can overcome each and every hurt, trial, and mess up. Jesus has overcome, and the grave is overwhelmed! The Victory is won, He is risen from the dead! Oh Victory in Jesus!
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