How He Loves

There is a deep story behind this song. John Mark McMillan, the writer of this song tells the story. One of his best friends named Steven was in a prayer meeting, and Steven prayed a prayer which was “Lord, if you would shake the youth of the nation, I would give my life for you today”. That very night on the way home he died in a car accident. And so John believed that the Lord accepted his offer- and that if God responded to the first part of the prayer by taking his friend, then the Lord will respond to the second part. But several years passed, and he spent that time wondering when the youth movement would happen, and he felt like everyone forgot about his friend. Several months ago he was playing at a conference and he was urged by another mutual friend to sing this song, which we wrote the day after Steven died. He believes that in some way this song is a fulfillment of that prophecy. That the impact of this song on the youth was the fullness of a life taken by a loving God all those years ago.
John explains that he was mad at God for taking his friend. But in that time of anger, he knew God still loved him. That he is still a merciful God. He goes on to say that the kind of love he is singing about in this song is not a "pretty, hollywood hot pink kind of love. It's love that is willing to love the messy, and willing to love even the difficult gross kind of things." This song is not a celebration of weakness and anger, its a celebration of a God that wants to be apart of us through our anger at Him, and a love that is so jealous for us even in messy times of our lives.
A lot of times "the church" condemns us for getting mad at God, those who are mad at God are looked down on, and judged as if to think "How dare you get mad at God." But I believe God understands our weakness. He understands that we don't understand, and that we get frustrated at things that happen, but he still loves us, and shows us grace and mercy endlessly and strongly.
This song has been sung at countless youth revivals around the world. God has taken this song and has shaken the youth of this nation, and world. He is faithful. The question that keeps floating in my mind is, will we be as daring as John's friend Stephen was? Would we pray such as radical prayer as that God would take our lives out of this world if he could use it for his glory and save people? I want to be that kind of person. I want to be so cool with God, allowing Him to do whatever he wants to do with my life, even to pray such a radical prayer as Stephen did. But even if I didn't let God have all of me, he would still love me.


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