Indebted to the World

Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them. -Hebrews 13:3
As Christians we are indebted to the world. Did you know that? God has a global purpose for us all. 14 "For I have a great sense of obligation to people in both the civilized world and the rest of the world,[a] to the educated and uneducated alike. 15 So I am eager to come to you in Rome, too, to preach the Good News." Romans 1:14-15
Because we belong to Christ and are owned by Christ, we owe Christ to the world. Every saved person this side of heaven owes the gospel to every lost person this side of hell.
While I think it's so great to share the gospel in America, we should do that. Other countries are sending missionaries over here. I find that amazing. We are fortunate to live in a country where we can freely worship God and read our Bibles, and carry them around. We don't suffer near the persecution other countries do......yet at least. I have a feeling it's coming soon. But that's another subject.
There are close to 35 countries that are restricted nations, meaning, countries where government policy or practice prevents Christians from obtaining Bibles or other Christian based literature. There are also anti-Christian laws that lead to Christians being harassed, imprisoned, killed or deprived of possessions or liberties because of their witness. Some of these countries include: Cuba, most of the middle east where Jesus' was from, China, Belarus, and North Korea. There are also countries where the area is hostile, this includes large areas in nations where governments consistently attempt to provide protection for the Christian population, but Christians are victims of violence because of their witness. Some of these countries include: Turkey, India, Indonesia, Philippines, and Ethiopia.
So, what are we going to do about it? What can we do with what God has given us to reach these people? Better yet, what am I going to do? God has blessed us for His glory. He has extended his grace to us, to extend his glory. God has blessed us, whether you have a lot, or a poor college student, you have a lot. We are blessed for His glory. Not that we are comfortable with life. God blesses us so that the nations will know him, and see His glory! We are blessed to show His love, to show His mercy, and grace.
David Platt says in his book that he went over to a country in Asia where the Word of God is illegal. He and about 20 people we gathered in an underground church, one light hanging over their heads, sitting on the ground with their Bibles in their laps. They asked David to please meet them at 2:00 in the afternoon for Bible study. David thought it would be a short hour Bible study, instead the study lasted for 8 hours!!! WOW! These people had such a hunger and desire for Jesus. They asked if they could meet tomorrow but at a earlier time so they could study all day. They wanted to be taught the whole Old Testament, and the whole New Testament after that. what would happen in our churches if those of us who claim Jesus were to have this same attitude?? What a revival right? I want to be in the kind of environment described by David in this country. I want to be surrounded by people who want to be in Bible study hungry for the Word of God just like I am. I can't tell you how many times I long to be with other Christians on a daily basis talking about Jesus and the Bible. It thrills my heart! But people are busy most of the time, which is okay. I understand work and things like that. That's one thing I'm looking forward to when I get married, God is going to match me with a fella who will talk to me and study the Bible with me all the time. That is my prayer at least. Then we can go change the world together.
It is also my prayer that we would all have a hunger for God and all he has to give us. That we would have a desire to know him more and deeper. That we would have a greater respect and awe of who He really is. I pray that we would have a heart for the lost, and not just here in America but overseas. That we would be sensitive to where the Holy Spirit is leading us. We pray that laborers would be sent to them (Matthew 9:38), but do we realize that we might be that laborer? We are all not called but rather told by Jesus to go make disciples in all the nations, not just America. Pray also for the ones who have taken God Word to heart and have gone overseas to share Jesus.
For information about those who are persecuted for Jesus please visit:
I would also encourage you to write an encouraging note to prisoners who have been locked up for sharing Jesus. Visit:
Go with God.
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