The Radical Experiment

So yesterday I committed to do the Radical Experiment after reading the book "Radical." I believe whether you have read the book or not we can all do these 5 things that Dr. Platt has challenged his readers to do. Really, he has not asked us to do anything that God has not already told us to do. I look forward to living out these challenges and to see how God will further use me to impact the Kingdom, and how I will grow in my relationship with Jesus. Will you join me in doing these things too? I believe for Christians to impact the world, we have to first be where we are suppose to be with Jesus. We have to be fully committed to the Christian lifestyle, reading our Bibles, praying, being who God commanded us to be in the Bible. Daily filling ourselves up with His Spirit. So, here's what Dr. Platt has laid out.
1. Pray for the entire world. Intentionally, specifically, audaciously pray for God's purpose to be accomplished around the world. One of my favorite bands, Ascend The Hill is currently in New Zealand on tour. They posted on their website these statistics. Population: 4.38 Million, Less than 21% are Christians, 15% regularly attend church. So, 3.5 million do not know Jesus. Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, New Age is on the rise at 60% over the past 5 years. 1/3 claim no religion at all. Wow. That's just in New Zealand.

2. Read through the entire Word. If we are going to penetrate our culture and the cultures of the world with the gospel, our minds must be saturated with God's Word. We are beholding the very words of God; His words have supernatural power to redeem, refresh, and restore. We must live in the Word of God. I have taped this to the front of my Bible: "How can I listen to His Word so that I am equipped to teach His Word to others?" Not only do we need to receive the Word, we need to also reproduce the Word!

3. Sacrifice your money for a specific purpose. So that is saying above the 10% the Bible says. Spend your money on things that are gospel centered. Give in a way that is church focused. The Church is God's primary agent. Also, give to specific, tangible need. Give to someone or something you can personally serve alongside. Connect your giving with your going. There are so many ministries within the church I do to, and I'm sure there are a few in every church. Invest yourself in people who need you.

4. Spend your time in another context. Dedicate 2% of your time to this task. That is one week out of an entire year. Go to a new context of the world, either domestically or internationally. I think about the mission trips I've been blessed to go on the past 3 years as being apart of Student Worship both as a leader and student. 2008 we were in Detroit, MI serving low income neighborhoods. 2009 we were in Dallas, TX. 2010 we were in Syracuse, NY where we saw God move in an awesome way. It is so incredible to meet new people and see a new part of the world.

5. Commit your life to a Multiplying Community. We are created for community with one another, and that community is the church. This final step is building on the previous challenges, because we need each other to do these things. I can't do these things alone. You can't do these things alone. Yes, we have God on our side, but we are created for each other, we read this in the beginning of the Bible. Adam was alone, so God created woman.
We pray for the entire world, but we do not pray alone. We pray "OUR Father...." We read through the entire Word, but we need one another to understand it, learn it, and apply it. Our giving and our going must be tied to the multiplication of the gospel through the church.

I hope you all have a church to go to in the morning. If not, FBCIT is always open to you. I would recommend Elevation Church as well, God is doing a mighty work in the church. He is doing a mighty work in FBCIT as well.


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