Audacious Faith

"This Good News tells us how God makes us right in his sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the scriptures say, "It is through faith that a righteous person has life." -Romans 1:17

A good friend of mine, and former instructor said something to me that made me think, and helped me realize my faith needs a little tweaking. This is what she told me:
Remember that God doesn't give us obstacles we can't handle, so if He thinks you're strong enough, then have faith in yourself. That is ultimately what you need to do. Have faith in yourself. Try not to let the past or the present get in the way of your future. You will find something, but it will only be what you make of it. If you do not think you are capable, then you won't be. If you let them work you 90 hours per week, then they will. Take control of your mind and heart and your purpose will come to you. I know you can do it.

I am so thankful for this lady God has placed in my life and how from the first day she knew me, she believed in me. But she is right about faith. Read the book of Romans and faith is the keyword you're going to find. Romans 4:14 says "So if you claim that God's promise is for those who obey God's law and think they are "good enough" in God's sight, then you are saying that faith is useless. And in that case, the promise is also meaningless."
Going back my friends words, I have been trying and trying to find a job. I've been trying to figure out what to do with my life. I've been in a constant battle with myself day after day feeling so unworthy and almost in defeat. I found myself like the verse in Romans 4:14, I was trying to do good works and be perfect, then maybe God will honor his promises to me. However, we are not saved by works. We are saved by grace and faith, not feelings or actions. Faith is believing and trusting. In life, I and we all need to learn to have more faith in ourselves.
As soon as I put these wise words to action, I let go of trying, and just let God. But I also tried to be more trusting of myself, that I am capable of things that life brings because God has made me ready and has prepared me for the things He wants to give me. Since then, this week as been incredible, God has blown me away in His faithfulness and His promises. Today I have a job and possibly another great job in store very soon.
Another thing in growing our faith is having to have an audacious faith, to be daring in the things you attempt to pursue, to step out into the unknown and challenge the world to meet you. It's like when you pray for rain, you carry an umbrella.
Sometimes we need our faith restored. It can get weary. Many times though, the way God restores our faith is in the times that it is stretched, because you see in the end how He was there all along, you get on the mountain top and it is restored....and it's beautiful. That's what faith can do.


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