Do You Know Jesus? Life's a Fog

"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace." -Acts 20:24

It says in James 4 that our lives are like the morning fog-it's here a little while then it's gone. Whether we accept it or not, our lives are short. Don't be deceived into thinking that we have lots of time to live for Christ, and to enjoy our loved ones. We need to live for God, today!
I have said many times on here how precious life is. It is so true. I am constantly reminded how fragile we are. Just yesterday I found out that a couple that my family has tried to share Jesus with were killed in a motorcycle wreck. They didn't want anything to do with Jesus, they would get mad when we started talking about the gospel. They rejected Jesus, and today they are in Hell. How tragic! As if the wreck wasn't tragic enough, going to Hell makes it even more so.
With every breath we have we should be spreading the good news. That is our obligation as a Christ follower. Tell the World that Jesus Saves. But expect to be persecuted and rejected. Because not everyone will accept Jesus, the Bible says not everyone will believe, and when they refuse to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their evil minds (Romans 1:28).
So I ask you today, do you know Jesus? There isn't much time left. We all have choices here on Earth. Some of us are stupid and decide to hop on a bike and act the fool, some of us allow others to control our lives. But we all have one choice in common, Heaven or Hell? You never know when it's going to be your last day. You never know what you will encounter. The people in the SUV that the bike hit could have easily been one of us encountering someone who made a poor choice. It makes you think. Don't miss Jesus. He's knocking on your door.


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