Nothing is Sacred Anymore!

This is just a rant...nothing with depth really. Ggggrrr!

I'm just baffled at the flippant nature of America and what is on TV especially. It's disgusting, I can't even watch TV anymore without it hitting some sort of nerve.
What especially bothers me is how TV portrays rapes, and how they feel they can openly talk about it and show graphically what happens. It's offensive to people who have experienced that, such as myself, and TV is the last place they want to relive that horrific experience. It's such a private matter. A matter that doesn't need to be treated like an awareness campaign. Rape is real and it happens, but don't plaster it on TV.
Same with sex. Between Victoria Secret Commercials and perfume commercials nothing is left to the imagination. They have taken something God created and twisted it and made it disgusting. Our children's minds are being corrupted. Hollywood it taking our innocence away. Even in our schools! Teaching sex education! Oh my word!! Try this, keep your hands to yourself, keep your pants zipped, and keep your eyes to yourself until you get married. That's what I'm going to tell my children.
What else.....
Don't even get me started on rap music. I love some of those beats they got, and I'll admit Eminem can rap like nobody's business but the words that come out of his mouth, oh my word! Language on TV, and in song lyrics. What the lyrics are about. Sex we are back to sex!! God help us. Come get your children.

I pray our children, and we as adults continue to keep our Christian values and not let the World take them from us. I pray that our minds will be kept pure. That we will stand firm by our standards, and plant God's word so deep in our heart and mind.
I love the little song:
Oh be careful little eyes what you see
Oh be careful little ears what you hear
Oh be careful little feet where you go
For the Father up above is looking down in love.


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