Apple Pie's and God

"For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy one of Israel, your Savior. And I love you"
-Isaiah 43:3

When I got out of church today, I had the craving for an apple pie at McDonald's, and I was hungry! You can get 2 pies for $1.00, that is a good deal!! So that is what I did; I whipped into the drive thru and ordered some pies. As I was sitting in the line waiting to pay, I was thinking about the service and the things I had heard this morning, then I thought about all the things in life that make me not want to be a grown up anymore. I was thinking about how I'm in the hole in my bank account, I have late fees on my library card to where I can't use it...and every good college student must have access to the library, I own my school some money...just overwhelming thoughts. In the past I have freaked out over things such as this. But I know the Lord will provide, because my Father owns it all! He has shown himself faithful in giving me a job, and showing me that He is in control. So back to the drive thru, I look in my rear-view mirror and noticed that the man behind me was getting out of his car. I figured he was checking out his car, but he walked up to my door, then I thought he was going to ask me for some money, or try to kidnap me. But he didn't. He said, "God has told me, and has laid it on my heart to give you this, I don't know why, but here you go," and he handed me a $20.00 bill! WOW. Quick answer to prayer huh, thinking about all I had to pay off, then God just lands some help right in my lap! I had to call my adopted mom and tell her all about it, something we have been talking about is that God doesn't owe us a thing in life. But because He loves us, He keeps giving us the desires of our heart, He gives us the reassurance through each other that it's going to be okay.
My heart is so encouraged! I instantly thanked Him for the blessing provided through this fellow believer, my brother in Christ, I don't even know him! I instantly thanked the man too. God knows our needs. I'm so thankful that He takes care of me, and all His flock. We don't have a thing to worry about because God has already worked it all out. He smiles on His children, He loves His children. Shame on us for ever doubting what God can do.
I pray you will experience a God and Apple pie appointment. Sometimes God will give us craving for something good so He can give us something even better! Amen!! Whoever said God wasn't southern?


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