
Coexisting is becoming a popular thing in our society today. You've seen these bumper stickers right? I was VERY OFFENDED at an exhibit that has been set up at my school portraying this mind set that I'm suppose to be okay with Jews and Muslims because they are just like me in my "religion" of Christianity. Yes, we "coexist" in the world, but can we live in peace? I don't know. I would have to say probably not. Muslims hate Christians, they want to kill Christians. Not to mention they hate America. You should start watching Glenn Beck. Muslims want to kill Jews too. Just look at what all is happening over in the middle east, it's bad.
This exhibit they have in my school portrays Christianity so badly, but I really just now realized it's being portrayed as a religion, and not a relationship; that makes all the difference. I first went through the entire exhibit a few weeks ago, it's basically about the seed of Abraham, how Christians, Jews, and Muslims all come from the seed of Abraham, and we all have the same God, and how though we may pray differently, dress differently, we should tolerate each other. That no religion is better than, or superior over another. But I've got news for you, when you miss Jesus, you miss God! When you miss Jesus, you miss Heaven. I went to my next class, which was Theatre Appreciation, so mad! I'm sure my professor was like what is this chicks deal. I took out a sheet of paper and just started writing the truth down. I wanted so bad to take my little pocket Bible and start preaching in front of the exhibit because it hurt that bad. This is what I wrote on my paper that day:
What is Christianity? Is there an absolute definition? Are we like other religions? Do we share in the same rituals? For example: prayer, communion, who our God is, people of "the book", celebration of new life, Holy days. One of the banners said that "The Christian church rests it's faith on Jesus' resurrection." The church not only rests our faith in Jesus' resurrection, but in Jesus' death, and that fact that God sent His son to die for the World that is sin. Our faith rests in what was done for us, it is repentance. The Lamb of God shed his blood as the ultimate sacrifice. What was it all through the Old Testament that was to be sacrificed? A lamb. Another banner said that "Christians sometimes pray and thank God before they eat." Prayer is an on going thing. We have free access to the Kingdom. We can talk to God any time of Gad for as long as we want, saying whatever we want. And in the times we can't conjure up the words to pray the Spirit prays for us, and He is always praying to the Father on our behalf, when we are sleeping, in the times when praying is the furthest from our mind. We are always in the Spirit of prayer.
Essentially, (this is a new favorite word), the Christian faith is all about fruit, and not the kind you eat. You've heard the saying, "the fruits of your labor."? As a Christian what are you producing that shows you are really a Christ follower? I keep saying our faith is all about action. And really and I could go on and on about what I believe and how this little Coexist foundation has got it all wrong, but always our testimony is all we have, no one can argue with a life change. We'll use my testimony as an example:
Allison before Jesus:
Suicide, major cutter, hatred, anger, running away, stealing, no respect for anyone or myself, deep depression, getting high, smoking, the list can go on...

Allison after Jesus:
I have lead many to Christ through mission trips, and band Work in Progress, and different ministries I have served in. I share Jesus anytime I can in my school, through my papers, or in what I wear, and my attitude. Stay high on Jesus. Do I still struggle with some of the above things? Sure. But no one can argue that there is not a God when they look at my life. They can't argue that something changed me. They can't argue that I probably should not be alive today, and that a rescuer came and saved me from myself.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is, people will come up with their own idea of how religion runs, and encourage us to coexist with each other, but the truth will shine through who we are as Christ followers. That's the cool thing about having a relationship with Jesus, He's yours, and you are His. It's so personal. He's a friend, but He's also my King. He's my Healer, He is so many things to me. Something the Jews missed, and something Muslims have no clue about.
It is all about Jesus. It is all about being a Christian and producing fruit. Jesus is the only way to God. Lord Jonathan Sacks, the Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations says, "God has given us many faiths but only one world in which to co-exist. May your work (referring to coexist foundation) help all of us to cherish our commonalities and feel enlarged by our differences." God has only given us one way to Him, and it's through Jesus. When you miss Jesus, you miss God. I refuse to "coexist." I refuse to look past our differences, because their differences lead to death and Hell as a result of, they have missed Jesus. Christianity cannot even fall into the coexist category because it is so anti everything that is listed above, it's so anti the Bible.
Christians, wake up! Take a stand for what is right. Don't believe the lies of this world. Stay planted in the Word! Put your armor on everyday. It's crucial to survival. Are you a fruitful Christian? Don't coexist.


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