Great is Thy Faithfulness: A Story of Hope...My Story

"I will never forget this awful time, as I grieve over my loss. Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this: The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. I say to myself, “The Lord is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!” The Lord is good to those who depend on him, to those who search for him. So it is good to wait quietly for salvation from the Lord. And it is good for people to submit at an early age to the yoke of his discipline: Let them sit alone in silence beneath the Lord’s demands. Let them lie face down in the dust, for there may be hope at last. Let them turn the other cheek to those who strike them and accept the insults of their enemies."
Lamentations 3:20-30

The Lord has laid it on my heart to share my story with you of the past few years of my life. I have been in a time of fervent testing, but in that testing seeing the Faithfulness of God. This is my story of hope, and I hope it will encourage you.

My dad is a pastor. The End. Just kidding, but the whole pastor part should tip you off as to what a hard life it's been. In the late summer of 2007 we were asked to leave the church that we had been at for 4 years. We were voted out by the church, and as we were living in the parsonage, we lost our home as well. So within a matter of minutes my family not only lost jobs, we lost a home. Around Christmas we had to officially be out of the parsonage. So with no where else to go we moved in with my Grandma here in Charlotte. We had literally threw all our stuff in storage. We lived with my Grandma for about a year. During this time it was so hard on all of us. Ya'll wanna know why I'm so messed up, it's because of church people and their issues. This was the second church that threw us out of the church and out of a home. At the time of this last ordeal I was 18. I missed my friends, I missed my band, I missed everything. I was never really angry at God this go round, the last time I can honestly say I turned my back on Him.
In the new year of 2008 I got plugged into First Baptist Church Indian Trail which was so scary at first. Where we came from maybe 20 came Sunday morning, then I come to FBCIT, a 3,000 member church. Culture Shock. I process of healing began to once more take place. I got plugged into choir, and student choir, and serve mainly in the Worship Arts department.
Meanwhile, we're still living at my grandmas 3 of 4 of us still have no jobs. I was still trying to finish High School as well.
Christmas 2008 we were surprised with the gift of a new home. An apartment in Charlotte where we could have some of our things back and be in a place of our own comfortably enough. I was starting college Spring Semester of 2009 at Central Piedmont Community College.
Great is His Faithfulness.
The first few semesters of school my parents and other people I could hitch a ride from took me to school as I did not have a car. I've been asking for a car since I was 12? HaHa! That was before I moved to Charlotte with all the people who think they have to speed because they live in "race city" with the Charlotte Motor Speedway, which is really in Concord. Anyway. Christmas 2009 I got a car. A family car that my great Aunt, then my Grandmama drove came to me...Lucy the Lumina. A beat up 92 Chevy, but I love it for the family history it has.
Great is His Faithfulness.
Rejection letters from churches have continued to flow in the past couple of years. It was such a debate in my head whether to continue following my parents in ministry or to try and get out on my own and get settled as I continue my studies at CPCC. We still live in the apartment, but are so grateful to have a place to live and have our things, our own beds, my favorite possession. However, apartment living with 4 adults plus a dog is not ideal, we need more space. We still have things in storage both here and Wilmington! For the past several months we have been looking at houses as it's a good a time as ever to buy a house. We have been like the show on HGTV-House Hunters. Just last week we found out an offer we made on a house was accepted, and we should be moving into our new home at the end of June!!
Great is His Faithfulness.
All I have needed, His hand will provide, Morning by morning new mercies I see. He's always been faithful to me.
I love the scripture in Lamentations above. I will never forget what I've been through, but I will also never forget His faithfulness. I'm 22 years old, a young age, and I have already learned so much in depending on the Lord for strength, and his mercies that are new every morning. I have learned to yield to the yoke of the Lord; but I also know that in Matthew Jesus says that His yoke is and His burden is light. I've learned that there is always hope. I have sat alone in the silence of the Lord's discipline, but in the stillness and silence at His feet I have learned His voice, and that His ways are better than mine. I have learned that even in what seems to be the darkest night, His hand is with me. I have learned that I am in the right position prostrate at the feet of Jesus. I've learned that when people strike me in the face or insult that they are insulting Jesus, and that what seems to hurt me through peoples words and actions hurt the Father more than they hurt me.
Whatever your need, God is faithful. Only trust Him. All you need, His hand will provide.


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