
Being responsible can have it's ups and downs. I've always considered myself to be responsible. Have I always made responsible decisions? No. But I have always tried to reach a level of maturity to where people can trust me to do things. Ironically, responsibility can sometimes keep you from other responsibilities you have and it can get very aggravating! Take for example: This morning I had to go back to school, my class starts at 9:00. I worked last night at my job, and worked at my house packing boxes and other things. Also this week I've been taking care of my cousins dog, and I take care of my dog too. So I let myself sleep in a little bit because I really needed it. Ended up not being a responsible decision because I still had to take care of dogs and get to class by 9. I was late for class, but the dogs are okay. haha!
There are times it's hard to juggle it all, and I guess more than anything we continue to learn as we go. Like parenting. So, I want to encourage all the people who have taken initiative to be responsible, and not give up when it's hard to be responsible. More or less here I'm talking to myself because I get discouraged and fed up when I seem to be the only responsible one in the room, and when no one else steps up to the plate. Just think of yourself as sowing seeds of love and kindness, and continue to sow your seed with confidence. You're not alone, look to the Lord for the strength and time to get all you need to get done, done. Remember our Creator, God, hold's time in His hand, and ALL of our strength comes from the Lord! Just ask. I've never known God to say no when we depend on Him for His strength, and when we acknowledge that time is in His hands.
Being responsible is a good character trait, one that not a lot of people have. It seems to be up to everyone else to show some responsibility. Don't become the "everyone else" gang.


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