He Came to Me

One of things that we notice most about Jesus' ministry here on Earth is that He met people where they were. He did not expect people to come to Him for help, they didn't know they needed Him. Jesus came to their level and met them in where they were.
This morning, I trained for my new Volunteer job at Elevation as a Greeter. In the time's I have visited Elevation, the whole experience has been incredible from the parking lot to the service. One of the things they tell us is you are preaching a sermon in the parking lot, people start to form their opinions from the moment they pull in the parking lot. It has meant so much in the times that people have come to greet me where I was and say it's so good to see you today, I'm glad you came to church! We as greeters are encouraged to speak words of blessing over people. We all need words of life spoken over us, our weeks are filled with enough people putting us down and slandering us. The last place people need to feel slighted is church especially coming off of a hard work week. This is called, Being Like Jesus. We are being Jesus to people, we are meeting them where they are and welcoming them into the house of God in a caring manner.
I am so excited to be apart of this move of God. I never want to be caught cold on the pew. As long as I have air in my lungs I'm going to be serving God somewhere, I'm going to be reaching out to someone, I'm going to be praying. I will actively serve in the Kingdom of God until I die, and I pray if I ever do become idle in serving the Lord someone will give me a kick in the rear end and tell me to get back in the game.
Jesus came to me, and continues to meet me where I am. In the same way I hope to be the person who will encourage someone in the parking lot to where all guards and walls come down and they meet Jesus. Oh What a Savior!


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