How Deep Can I Drink?

"If grace is an ocean we're all sinking"
The story is found in John 4, the story of the woman at the well. There are many things we can learn from this story, and many different perspectives can be seen. However, there is one central and key lesson, and that is Jesus is our living water.
We are all that woman at the well because we are all in need of grace, love, and forgiveness, and that is exactly what the living water represents. Jesus crossed all barriers to get to this woman, and that is what He does with you and I. This woman was a Samaritan! Jews did not talk to Samaritans...but Jesus did.
At the same time we have to realize that in order to receive that living water our sins have to be exposed. Later on in the chapter, Jesus calls her out on what she had done. He didn't condemn her, but He said I know all these things about you but drink of me and my living water and you'll never thirst again!
The story is told of a boy who grew up in an impoverished home. There were so many children that they all had to share food and drink from the same cup of milk. If you remember growing up and having to share a drink with brothers and sisters I'm sure you can relate. One day this little boy got sick and had to be in the hospital for a while. One morning, the nurse came in to the boys room with a big glass of milk. After staring at the glass for a few minutes the boy asked the nurse, "How deep can I drink?" The nurse in response said, "You can have it all!" That's what Jesus says to us when He offers His living water-we can have it all! We can have all the grace we need, we can have all the love we need, we can have all the forgiveness we need all we have to do it take it.
Many of us don't do this. We go through life thinking we can handle life, we don't need Jesus and His living water. Yes, you do! We have to come to a place where we humble ourselves in the sight of a Holy God and say, "I can't do it, I can't live life without the one who gives me Living water." The hymn, "I Need Thee Every Hour" comes to mind. How could you not need Jesus every hour? Are you kidding me? How deep are you willing to drink? How deep do you want to go with Jesus? If grace is an ocean we're all sinking.
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