4th of July Parade!
Monday I was in a Parade! It was so much fun! I haven't been in a parade before. I was proud to be representing my church, Elevation, and an eGroup of Elevation called, "Vertigo." I held the sign for them, and walked in front as 4 other guys followed me playing their self made instruments. Vertigo is a stomp team, they play drum beats on buckets and whatever they can get a sound out of, and believe me they sound really good. This group originated at First Baptist Church-IT, they went on Mission Trips with Student Worship. Wherever they go, they are a hit! Give someone a beat and they are going to move!! I LOVE IT!
One of cool things about this group dropping some beats is that they will always get someones attention. Through this aspect we were able to tell people about Jesus and invite them to church, or just raise their interest in what Elevation Church is.
However, it was sad that there were only 2 churches represented at the 4th of July parade in Indian Trail of all the churches on every corner it seems. What an opportunity to represent Jesus and the talents He has given us! What an opportunity to enlighten people that there is a church that is interested in have you to their church.
Anyway, all in all it was a really good time. We walked 3 miles in all, then I ate Bojangles, so whatever weight I lost walking, I gained it right back! haha! There were a lot of "Elevators" in the crowed yelling, we go there! It was so fun! I think we were the hit, something new a different. How cool!
So, come on out to Elevation and see what we are about, you won't walk away disappointed. And be in a parade when you can. Good advertising. :)
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