Stepping Out

I do my best thinking in the shower, I do not know why but I have come to decide I'm hanging a white board above the shower so when Jesus starts talking to me and revealing things to me I can start writing! I have so much I want to share! I am also excited to be blogging from my new house in my new living room in the perfect spot, my little thoughtful corner...

This semester, more than ever at my school, I have been stepping out boldly in my faith proclaiming that Jesus is the way. This is so important to understand, and I hope what I am about to lay out here will make sense to you. These are wonderful insightful things to think about I feel. Also know that whatever I say, I say with experience; the whole been there done that, learned now I'm teaching you. ;)
When we step out in faith God blesses us, and gives us honor. My sister and I were talking about this. This is what she said, "Each time you step out in faith you grow spiritually. Your character grows, your perserverance deepens, it all comes with obedience and faith and being a light in this dark world." It's so true.
However, some of us are trapped in this mind set where we struggle with stepping out boldly, so how to do we get this level of boldness? Quite simply, through worship. Fixing our thoughts on lifting God up higher in our lives. When we begin the lift God higher in our lives, and acknowledge that He is Lord of all we understand why we must boldly proclaim Him. When we get off the throne, and exalt Him above everything are going through He is then able to have His way in our lives. When we experience His work in our lives we are then able to say with boldness my God is the way.
So many times we sit in our sin and addiction content almost and wait for God to do something. The sin and addiction isn't going to work for itself, you have to take the initiative to start worshiping God, recognizing that He is stronger, and will take care of you through everything. Then you can step out in faith, and God will bless you and start to heal you of whatever problem you have. He loves His children. It's not Him that isn't doing anything for you, it's you that isn't doing anything for you. It's you that keeps yourself on the throne of your heart. Jesus is the only way, get to know Him. I many times when people start to make progress in overcoming problems and addictions it's because they are entering unfamiliar territory, but if you know Jesus, and you know His word, what is there to fear? Nothing! When you experience and know God's word and what He is doing in your life you can't help but worship Him, you can't help but tell others that Jesus is the way.
So wherever you are at today in your life, what do you need to do so that you can start stepping out in boldness? Do you need to worship Him more? Do you need to yield to Him more? I have learned to yield to the yoke of the Lord; but I also know that in Matthew Jesus says that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. I've learned that there is always hope. I have sat alone in the silence of the Lord's discipline, but in the stillness and silence at His feet I have learned His voice, and that His ways are better than mine. I have learned that even in what seems to be the darkest night, His hand is with me. I have learned that I am in the right position prostrate at the feet of Jesus.
I'll close with the lyrics from a song I've been singing all week, I have attached the MP3 as well, lift Jesus Higher in your life and see the results.

Verse 1:
There is Love
That came for us
Humbled to a sinner’s cross
You broke my shame and sinfulness
You rose again victorious

Verse 2:
Faithfulness none can deny
Through the storm
And through the fire
There is truth that sets me free
Jesus Christ who lives in me

You are stronger
You are stronger
Sin is broken
You have saved me
It is written
Christ is risen
Jesus You are Lord of all

Verse 3:
No beginning and no end
You’re my hope and my defence
You came to seek and save the lost
You paid it all upon the cross

So let Your Name be lifted higher
Be lifted higher
Be lifted higher


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