Time is in His Hands

"And Isaiah said, This is the sign to you from the Lord that He will do the thing He has promised: shall the shadow [denoting the time of day] go forward ten steps, or go back ten steps? Hezekiah answered, It is an easy matter for the shadow to go forward ten steps; so let the shadow go back ten steps."
-2 Kings 20:9-10

Over a 100 year period of Judah's history (732-640 BC), Hezekiah was the only faithful king; what a difference he made! It was because of his faith and prayer that God healed him and saved his city. There are times that our faith can put us in the minority, but you can make a difference and bring change to any situation if your faith and prayers are sincere directed to the One and only God. We see here in the verse above that God made time go back! There are many examples in the Bible where God messes with time, it's so cool! He made the sun stand still one day.
There is something my sister told me one day and I have held on to this truth ever since then. I'm thankful for her influence in my life. She is my special Jesus sister. After telling her that I don't have time to get all I need to get done, done. That I was having a hard time getting my Bible read in the morning. She said "Allison, God will give you the time you need to get all you need to get done, you just have to ask Him, and He will honor you for putting Him first in your day with the time to do things; after all He does hold time in His hands." How true, ya'll! You see when we have the faith, praying to the one true God who created time, He supernaturally gives it to us, and that's why we call Him awesome God. That is why we call Him Creator King, How great is our God? For age to age He stands! He is the Beginning and the End. His name is above every name, He is worthy of our praise because of His awesomeness.
Next time you catch yourself saying, "I wish I had more time." Remember, you do have more time, just ask, no wishing involved, you my fellow Christian brother and sister have direct access to the King Himself. Time is in His hands.


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