
Tonight I went to a thing at my church Elevation where the guys were honoring the girls. It was so refreshing to see. Car doors were being opened, cars valeted, being waited on, a sweet hand written note, decorations, being ushered to our seats! They told us we were beautiful, stunning, gorgeous, pretty, fantastic....It was fantastic! They honored us by speaking life into us. On top of it all, we were all dressed up! We also had our pictures taken all dressed up. However, I skipped that because 1 I was by myself, 2 I felt ugly and fat and 3 girls were driving me crazy...just sayin ya'll. I never went to prom, I've never really dated, so tonight was some what special in that though it wasn't really a "date" thing I felt like I was being treated as if I were on a date. I don't remember ever being honored in that manner by a guy. I can't tell you if a man as ever respectfully told me I was beautiful. A lot has to do with my self image, I've ALWAYS ALWAYS struggled with my outlook about myself. This will shock many but I have always wanted to be somewhat sophisticated, and elegant, I love women who are that and I want to be like them so bad. But I need help getting in touch with my feminine side...that might include not watching smack down any more I don't know. I've always wanted to learn how to ball room dance.
It's somewhat hard for me to know what to do and how to function in a relationship with a guy because I don't know. My experience with men has not been so great in the past, but I know that God the perfect mate for me out there, and I even prayed that tonight that I would meet him, or that he would continue to prepare my heart for meeting that special someone he has for me.
I bought a book written by the speaker that spoke tonight. It's called "12 Questions you Ask Before you Get Married." I am looking forward to reading this and am going to make my cousins read it because it's important....heck I might even write a post about it on here! Our generation is taking marriage to lightly, if at all. And I would just love it if we saw more and more of what took place tonight at Elevation. Brothers being kinder to their sisters, men holding doors, boys showing girls honor. Boys honoring themselves. It's all about giving ourselves to God and allowing Him to use us. It's about us making God the center of who we are. Because when God is the center, we will know how to love like him, and honor like him, and respect and care like him. It matters. So if there are any guys reading this, #1 yes I'm available, #2 take this as a challenge to make the women that are already in your life (your mom, sister, grandma, aunts) show them honor, and respect.
Ladies: Know you are beautiful because God made you, and because God uses you. You are beautiful because of how you honor people in your life, and the choices you make. True beauty is found within, and it is Jesus that is within you. Keep being beautiful.


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