Die Daily

Fenelon wrote in one of his letters that, many think "dying to themselves" is what causes them so much pain. However, in actuality, because part of you still lives is what causes the problem. Let all that is not born of God with you die. Learn to accept your weaknesses, and see who you are so that God can heal you. If we die a little bit everyday of our life, how completely will these daily deaths destroy the power of your final dying. Essentially, when we die to ourselves daily, daily God will fill us with His peace, because God is peace-even the heaviest cross must be carried in peace.
Do not resist dying to yourself. Volunteer for your own death, God heads straight for that which we are most reluctant to give up. He seeks to destroy your old nature, and it does hurt, but remember that pain is only felt where there is life. He takes away so that He might be your supply. He owns it all.

A few thoughts I've been having over the last few days has been based on music, hymns, things of that nature, of course. When we sing about dying our minds tend to wonder toward a physical death, but how about we change that? Maybe next time we sing about death, we sing about the death we must die everyday and run to Jesus!! Here are just a few songs I've been thinking of specifically to this thought:
Chris Rice' song: Untitled Hymn (Come to Jesus)

And with your final heartbeat
Kiss the world goodbye,
Go in peace and laugh on Glory's side...and
Fly to Jesus,
Fly to Jesus,
Fly to Jesus and live!

When we are buried in baptism, that is the final heartbeat of ourselves, we are kissing all the things of this world goodbye and fixing our eyes on our Savior and running to Him! He is our peace!

Fernando Ortega: Give Me Jesus

When I come to die
When I come to die
When I come to die, give me Jesus

Again when I am pulled out of that baptismal water I am buried in Christ and risen to new life, you run to Jesus.

You get the picture?

We must die daily, and nothing we do, it's all Jesus transforming us, we just have to let Him and not resist.

Another thought has been people who want to take their lives, suicide. They aren't all to wrong that they need to die, just not in the manner that they are thinking. Something is missing from their lives, and they aren't happy with themselves, they need Jesus. I know that's pretty graphic, welcome to my mind.

Think on these things.


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