The Seeking Heart

A few weekends ago my Aunt Linda gave me a book called, "The Seeking Heart" it is a book compiled of letters written by a Frenchman by the name of Fenelon. His name has stood for spiritual depth and insight for 300 years. Seeking Christians throughout the years have turned to his writings for their quest of a deeper walk with Christ. This book is not for baby Christians, it is for people who have been walking with the Lord for quite sometime. My Aunt felt like I was ready for it. His works are challenging, they are for the devout and understanding Christian.
It is my prayer that I would always have a seeking heart after my Father, and creator. And not just seek with my heart, but seek HIS HEART. We can always trust His heart when we don't understand things, or trace His hand in things.
So I pray that if you already are not, that you will seek God. That you will allow Him to soften your heart, and that you will humble yourself to a place where God can began to mold you and craft you into the person He wants for you to be. It's going to be challenging and hard, but seek His heart with your whole heart.


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