Be a John the Baptist

In his book, "The Seeking Heart," Fenelon writes "I am inspired by John the Baptist who completely forgot himself that he might think only of Christ. He pointed to Christ with his whole life. What an example he sets before you!"
John the Baptist's ministry was all about preparing the way for Jesus. In almost any crowd, John the Baptist would be called unique. He wore odd clothes, ate strange food, and preached an unusual message. He would not have agreed with the habit we have of evaluating people by how the dress-or by how they act. He would have insisted that we listen to what he had to say. What John wanted to do more than anything was to obey God, and he wasn't afraid to ask others to do the same. John realized he had a special role to play in the world. His job was to tell the world that the Savior was about to arrive, and John was totally committed to this purpose. John's message still applies to us today, in that not only do we need to "Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is near!" but we need to be like him in preparing the way for others to do the same. Maybe we should be more like the disciples and John the Baptist in our churches. Preparing the way instead of getting in the way, clearing the way instead of throwing more of the world in front of lost people. This is why we need to be different. Live our lives that shows that Jesus, not lives that point to ourselves or what we did, but what Jesus did in us. We can't blend in with the World, how will lost people find us if we blend in? In reading Matthew last night I came across this verse Matthew 21:31-32:
Then Jesus explained his meaning: “I tell you the truth, corrupt tax collectors and prostitutes will get into the Kingdom of God before you do. 32 For John the Baptist came and showed you the right way to live, but you didn’t believe him, while tax collectors and prostitutes did. And even when you saw this happening, you refused to believe him and repent of your sins.
We need to be showing people the right way to live. John was fleshing out Jesus, we need to flesh out Jesus. God does not guarantee and easy or safe life to those who serve Him. Jesus offended people with the truth of His Father. The Father showed them their sin, people don't want to hear they are sinners, or not good people. Doing what God desires is the greatest possible life investment. Life here on earth will be hard, but thank the Lord that for the Christian we aren't staying here long, great is our reward in Heaven. In the meantime standing for the TRUTH is more important than life itself. John 8:32 says, "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." I know that to be true, and again as of recently.
What are some way you can clear and prepare the way so that people you encounter in your life will encounter Jesus? Are you standing out from the world? Are you telling the world about Jesus? Are you bearing fruit? Have you repented? The Kingdom of Heaven is near! Be a John the Baptist!


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