Hoarder in my Heart, Joy in my Heart

Tonight's post is simple, because God is simple and He speaks to us through things that are simple. Tonight my sister and I were watching Hoarders. We love that show because it makes up feel better about ourselves, if that makes sense. We were talking about the show, and other things that were bothering me. I told my sister, "You know, our hearts are like Hoarders." My sister and I never want to be a hoarder like we see in TV, but how many times do we not let things go in our heart? We all come to Jesus with messy hearts, and He cleans us up. Then we keep looking forward, and stop looking back trusting Jesus till the end. My adopted mom puts it this way, "We have to make up our minds to be delivered, and to have joy in our hearts." I pray today that what ever you are holding in you heart you will let Jesus take it and clean you up. We use a lot of energy when we relive offenses over and over, it leads us to bitterness. When we become grateful people for what Jesus has done for us, our gratitude sustains joy, and the Holy Spirit will allow you to relive and sustain that joy. Give it all to Him, clean out. Sleep peacefully tonight.


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