How God Works In The World

"Furthermore, because we are united with Christ, we have received an inheritance from God, for he chose us in advance, and he makes everything work out according to his plan."
-Ephesians 1:11

Does everything in the world take place according to the will of God? Questions such as these relate to, and address the providence of God, and thus you have proposed a theological question. Apparently the founders of the state of Colorado believed that everything takes place according to God's will. The state motto affirms: Nil sine Numine, "Nothing without providence." The state seal pictures the all-seeing eye of God. Can we today believe that everything in our state, nation, and world fits into the divine plan> Are God's eternal purposes actually being achieved in our perplexed world?
God's purposes in the world often include judgement as well as evident progress. Whether we can or cannot see them, the Creator's plans are being realized through general laws of nature, specific historical events, organisms and the inner will of human beings. In some areas God's will is accomplished decretively, in some preceptively, and in others permissively. It is also important that we remember that God is not physical but spiritual; not dead, but living; not passive, but active; not impersonal, but personal. As a personal Spirit, God has intellect, emotions, and will. By virtue of these powers he can enjoy fellowship with persons created in his likeness. The living God acts in accord with his essential characteristics or attributes. Everything in the world happens and takes place according to the will of God. His plan will be fulfilled whether through evil, good, or both. Nothing in the world happens without Him knowing about it.
God has a will, but we as humans have our will what we want done. First, lets take a look at how God carries His will out in the world, and what He works through. We'll use the story of Esther as an example of how God worked in that story. Remember in this story, we see the hand, and fingerprints of God everywhere, however, we never read the name of God in the book anywhere.


NATURAL ORDER- God set into action through creation a normal working of his universe. He also revealed his expectations of people through his Word and people consciences.

MIRACLES- God breaks into the natural order to respond to the expressed needs of people.

PROVIDENCE- God overrules the natural order to accomplish an act that people may or may not have requested.

As we see in the story of Esther, God gave Esther natural beauty, in turn Esther planned a way to save her people. God then allowed Esther to speak to the King, and gave her favor with the king because of her beauty. The people prayed and fasted. God allowed Mordecai to overhear a plot. Mordecai trusted God to accomplish what was impossible in human terms.


PLAN- We make plans based on that order and dependability of God's creation. We know and obey His Words.

PRAY- We ask God to intervene in certain situations while realizing that our knowledge and perspective are limited.

TRUST & OBEY- We can trust that God is in control even when the circumstances may not seem to indicate He is.

However, we are human and we make mistakes, and we don't always pray in the will of God, or trust and obey Him. So here are some mistakes we can make.


DISOBEY- We can violate the natural order, and disobey God's commands.

DEMAND- We can assume that we understand what is needed and expect God to agree and answer our prayers that way.

DESPAIR- We can assume that God doesn't answer prayer or respond to our needs and live as though there is nothing but the natural order.

Remember that God has a purpose and plan for the situations He places us in. He put is there to serve Him. As in Esther's case, this involves risking your security. We have to be willing to let God be our ultimate security.


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