How to Determine Your Calling

When we accept Jesus as our personal Savior, we are instantly called into ministry. We read in Acts 1:8 "But when the Holy Spirit (what we receive when we are saved) has come upon you, YOU will receive POWER and will tell people about me everywhere." I recently heard a pastor put it this way, "Missions is that which we are. It's not an option." So we know that we are to share Jesus at all times, but how to we determine our exact calling and our exact ministry. We will quickly learn that Jesus wasn't joking with his disciples when He said leave everything you own and follow me. We have to at times exchange our comfort to be a blessing. It is part of the humbling experience. Humble your heart before the Lord. He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them His way. ~ Psalm 25:9 Humility is an absolute necessity for a teachable, moldable heart. To discover our calling, we must be willing to set our agendas aside and surrender to God's. We cannot have a predetermined plan and then invite God to complete our plan. We need to ask, "What are you calling me to do right where you have me?" It is in the things that make us miserable that we can make our ministry, we can be apart of making this misery not so miserable for someone else. We can create a solution, affect our culture. Examine your life experiences and current circumstances. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to His purpose. ~ Romans 8:28 God uses our life experiences (family, education, vocation, spiritual gifts, trials, etc.) to mold us, train us, and equip us. Sometimes the very things we want to hide - the horrible trials we want to forget - are the very things that God wants to use the most. We are afflicted. We suffer trials. We surrender and lean on God. When we do, we come out the other side victorious SO THAT Jesus Christ is manifest in us, and SO THAT God may be glorified. NOTHING is a mistake that happens in our lives. Nothing is worthless. Nothing is insignificant. Everything has value. God uses it all to mold us and shape us for our calling. Apply your gifts, talents and abilities. Gifts and abilities will give you the strongest indication of what your calling is because He will match your calling with your capabilities. He equips those He calls. In determining your calling, look at your gifts: What are you good at and what are you not good at? What gets you going…what brings out your passion? How do people respond when you act in your giftedness? We have to be able to put the WRONG influences and people out, and let the RIGHT ones in. I was recently challenged to name 5 people in my life that influence me. These 5 people act as voices, and determine my choices. Praise God, I could name 5 RIGHT people who influence and impact my life for the greater good. These people will help you take a stand against the enemies against God. Satan is alive and well, he is always plotting always looking to bring you down. I've recently been on a down headed in the complete wrong direction running from God and where He wanted me to be. I was angry, and Satan was happy. There is an enemy out out to destruct, and keep us from what God has planned for us to do in the ministry He has called us too. Satan does not want to see people come to Christ. It is so important that we Read, study and pray God's Word. As we seek God's calling on our lives, God will direct our steps, and He will confirm what He says. The most common way He does this is through His Word. He will direct, guide, lead us, and He will then confirm what He just directed. He can also use other avenues like pastors, friends, and Bible study to direct us or even things in the culture around us. It all comes down to the center of your being, your HEART. What do we put in our hearts? Do you have a hoarding heart like I wrote about in my last post? What do you need to let go of? Recognize the sin, and the lies from Satan. Only God's Word will show and expose the lie. Trust in God's timing and in His answer. God will lead you to do things that require you to TRUST in Him and in His timing. They will always be perfectly orchestrated and timed to display His honor and glory. If you are trying to decide between two decisions in your life, ask if one can be done easily and in my own strength? This is probably NOT the one He has planned for you and it certainly won't be the one that will bring HIM the most glory. The more you need God to do a task, the more you will need to rely on Him, and the more effective you will be. If you feel rushed, hurried, unorganized, anxious, and lack an inner peace, these are VERY BIG signs that you are not in His Will or it is NOT in His timing!! I just experienced all these signs this week in running from the ministry God wanted me in. I was miserable. He said, "Return to Me!"


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