
I remember several years ago, I was in 5th or 6th grade, I would play out in the woods till dark. One day I decided I that I would put a newly learned verse, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" to the test. I still had a childlike faith. So I picked up two sticks and started rubbing them together trying to start a fire because I was cold..and I was in the woods. I said that verse over and over and over and prayed and prayed. But no fire. It baffled me for days, weeks, and months, even years why God didn't come through, I had the faith, I was praying, I was saying scripture...then it occurred to me not long ago. I was in the woods, around houses. can you imagine the catastrophe had God allowed a fire to start? I was out there for hours rubbing those two sticks together, I even got my friends to start praying. I guess it's kind of a lesson. God sees catastrophe ahead when we don't. He knows what is best, He sees our faith, he answers our prayers. The lesson is this, God sees catastrophe ahead when we don't. He knows what is best, He sees our faith, he answers our prayers. I did so many stupid things that year thinking I was using my faith to benefit me best. There was a whole summer I spent building a raft out of scrap wood so I could float to the other side of a pond. I was sure that if Peter could walk on water and Jesus could walk on water I had enough faith it get out there on my raft that was full of holes. Thankfully, while getting the raft to the pond, it got stuck in a ditch and I never made it to the pond. Had I made it, I would have surely drowned. Also, being in the ditches of life aren't that bad, that is another lesson. We loose things in the ditch that need to stay in the ditch and not come back up with us.


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