Living the Christian Life According to Spongebob

Yesterday afternoon I watched an episode of Spongebob Squarepants, most of the time the show wears me out it's so dumb and annoying, but this particular interest caught my attention because it lined up so well with the way a Christian is deceived, but also how we should act. The character of Plankton was trying to teach Spongebob how to be assertive, he tries to manipulate SpongeBob into becoming aggressive and mean in order to get more out of life. SpongeBob discovers that just because people obey you they don’t necessarily respect you. Besides, it’s just more fun to be nice to people and have them like you. Watch this clip.
In this clip Plankton is like Satan, he tempts us with good things to get our attention and get us interested. As Plankton is trying to teach Spongebob how to be assertive and get his way and the things he wants, Spongebob takes everything Plankton says the wrong way and ends up being nice to people anyway. At the end of the episode, Plankton is in the fetal position on the ground yelling I can't take so much kindness, I've have to leave.

So the lesson we can learn from Spongebob, for once is to watch out for Satan and his evil ways. Don't be tempted with the better things. Jesus always gives His children the best. Once Satan has you hooked he'll start reeling you in. That's why like a sponge too, we have to be absorbent of the Word of God and His truths. When we are not full of His Word, we dry up and we are not useful. Satan has to flee at the name if Jesus. He has to flee when we act like Christian people, He can't stand when we act like Jesus.

Be kind to one another, love one another, care for one another, pray for one another.


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