The Ministry of Listening, The Power of Listening

"Be silent, and know that I am God!" -Psalm 46:10
Most of you know that I am a very quiet person, maybe not so much when I'm hanging with my friends, but over all I am a very quiet person. Some people may see my quietness as a weakness, or that I'm stuck up and snobbish, and at times it does bother me that I don't always know what to say, or have the ability to just strike up a conversation. However, I've come to the conclusion many times in my life that there are just no words in certain situations, and all you can really do it sit in the presence of God, silent, allowing Him to speak His ministering words to you. It is a gift to be able to be quiet, many people struggle with holding their tongue, and watching what they say. Even in the Bible we see that Peter had this exact problem. My pastors wife, Mrs. Holly Furtick, preached on Peter and this weakness of his this past weekend. He said the wrong thing at the wrong time. I know a lot of people who talk to much, there is a limit to my tolerance level for this. But I just smile politely and listen. We all need someone to listen to us. Listening is ministry in it comes great power. I have both listened and talked to people about problems, and their listening made a huge difference in my life, and saved my life, literally. My weakness of being quiet, is actually a strength that is under control. When we are quiet, it is then that God will clear the path at just the right time for you to say the right thing. James 1:19-26 is the perfect passage to use on the points I want to make. James warns us in verse 19 to be quick to listen and slow to speak. Listening leads to obedience; obedience happens by listening. How do you know what God wants you to do if you are never quiet enough to listen for His voice? When we obey from listening, God blesses us. (v. 23-25) Learning comes from listening. I have sat alone in the silence of the Lord's discipline, but in the stillness and silence at His feet I have learned His voice, and that His ways are better than mine. I have learned that even in what seems to be the darkest night, His hand is with me. I have learned that I am in the right position prostrate at the feet of Jesus. I know personally for me I learn so much by just listening to conversations. When we learn and listen to people and study them we can better minister to them. It is said by one of the great philosophers,Epictetus, "We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak." God always has purpose in His creation, and how He created it. In closing, meditate on the song below, listen closely to the lyrics on this rainy labor day. Find someone who you can listen to this week, someone who needs a listening ear. You may be quiet just like me, or you might have the gift of having the right words to say, but always remember that Jesus is always the right word to say. The name of Jesus in itself is peace, and comfort.


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