......my life worth nothing.....
"But my life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus- the work of telling others the Good News about God's wonderful kindness and love."
-Acts 20:24
The beginning of the church as we see in Acts and a continuation of Jesus' ministry. We are united in the Holy Spirit in proclaiming the gospel. We can contrast this with the Tower of Babel in Genesis where the people wanted to build a tower to the heavens and stay united with each other. God was not pleased and it was there that He confused their language and sent them to separate nations. So now we see in Acts where God is now uniting us in His Spirit and speak the common language of the gospel. Everything that happens in the church is because of the Holy Spirit, and the people who are led by the Holy Spirit. It is not just some tradition.
However it is easy to get off track in our ministries because we do still live under the curse of sin and our focus tends to shift off God. Here is what it looks like:
This is the same attitude that Satan had against God. I'm good, my throne will be higher than God's, Worship ME!
Here is what another attitude we can posses, and note it's better to be here than above. This is where a lot of Christians are because it is default, it's easy to slip into.
Lastly this is where we should strive to be at in our ministries and lives.
Today is Reformation day, it was this day 494 years ago, Martin Luther sparked the Protestant Reformation by nailing the 95 Thesis on the door of the chapel of Wittenburg.
John Wesley preached his final sermon on February 17, 1791, in the borough of Lambeth. His text was Isaiah 55:6, "Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on Him while He is near." The next day he fell ill and and went to bed. On March 2nd, he turned to his friends and family who were gathered around his deathbed. He said to them, "The best of all is, God is with us. Farewell, farewell." In the same way, here in Acts 20, Paul senses his life and ministry are coming to a close.
Paul says that his ministry for God is going to cost him everything. He knows that with every footstep he goes deeper into danger, hardship, and affliction. The Holy Spirit has been preparing him for the road ahead. This is what Jesus meant when He said, "I am the vine and you are branches. Apart from me you can do NOTHING." This aspect of ministry expects us to be deeply rooted in Jesus, and rely on Him as the life source.
Vladimir Lenin, the first head of the Soviet Union, used to say that communists are "dead men on furlough." As revolutionaries, they should view themselves as already dead, so that they would be ready to die at any moment. That is how Paul saw himself, and that is how all committed Christians should see themselves: dead men and dead women on furlough. We should want nothing but to see God exalted!
So get rooted, live in the Power of God! Being sheep requires sacrifice. Continue living the books of Acts out. Continue in Jesus' ministry.
-Acts 20:24
The beginning of the church as we see in Acts and a continuation of Jesus' ministry. We are united in the Holy Spirit in proclaiming the gospel. We can contrast this with the Tower of Babel in Genesis where the people wanted to build a tower to the heavens and stay united with each other. God was not pleased and it was there that He confused their language and sent them to separate nations. So now we see in Acts where God is now uniting us in His Spirit and speak the common language of the gospel. Everything that happens in the church is because of the Holy Spirit, and the people who are led by the Holy Spirit. It is not just some tradition.
However it is easy to get off track in our ministries because we do still live under the curse of sin and our focus tends to shift off God. Here is what it looks like:
This is the same attitude that Satan had against God. I'm good, my throne will be higher than God's, Worship ME!
Here is what another attitude we can posses, and note it's better to be here than above. This is where a lot of Christians are because it is default, it's easy to slip into.
Lastly this is where we should strive to be at in our ministries and lives.
Today is Reformation day, it was this day 494 years ago, Martin Luther sparked the Protestant Reformation by nailing the 95 Thesis on the door of the chapel of Wittenburg.
John Wesley preached his final sermon on February 17, 1791, in the borough of Lambeth. His text was Isaiah 55:6, "Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on Him while He is near." The next day he fell ill and and went to bed. On March 2nd, he turned to his friends and family who were gathered around his deathbed. He said to them, "The best of all is, God is with us. Farewell, farewell." In the same way, here in Acts 20, Paul senses his life and ministry are coming to a close.
Paul says that his ministry for God is going to cost him everything. He knows that with every footstep he goes deeper into danger, hardship, and affliction. The Holy Spirit has been preparing him for the road ahead. This is what Jesus meant when He said, "I am the vine and you are branches. Apart from me you can do NOTHING." This aspect of ministry expects us to be deeply rooted in Jesus, and rely on Him as the life source.
Vladimir Lenin, the first head of the Soviet Union, used to say that communists are "dead men on furlough." As revolutionaries, they should view themselves as already dead, so that they would be ready to die at any moment. That is how Paul saw himself, and that is how all committed Christians should see themselves: dead men and dead women on furlough. We should want nothing but to see God exalted!
So get rooted, live in the Power of God! Being sheep requires sacrifice. Continue living the books of Acts out. Continue in Jesus' ministry.
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