Simple Obedience

"Mary, sat at the Lord's feet, listening to what He had taught....there is really one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it-and I won't take it away from her." -Luke 10:39, 42

Today I was thinking about the story of Mary and her alabaster jar. Mary had simple obedience. If there one is excessive thing we should do in our lives, we should be excessively obedient. When you think about it, what do we excessively do instead of obey? We worry a lot. We ask for comfort, however, do we realize that that we are at the edge of the fountain but just refuse to drink of it? When we worry we are not still and quiet before the Most High so that He can be heard. Mary came quietly before Jesus bringing all she could give Jesus. Mary gave Jesus everything that was valuable to her to praise and worship her Lord.
Alabaster was a costly offering, historically it was given to a daughter by her Jewish parents for her dowery. On her wedding night the perfume was to be poured out upon her husband's feet at the time of the marriage consummation. It was similar to the act of submission performed by Ruth at the instruction of Naomi to Boaz at the treshing floor. Mary's giving her very own dowery was a statement of complete love and devotion submission and obedience.
Mary obeyed the Holy Spirit when directed to anoint Jesus by giving her best. She was criticised by the church for doing this act. They thought she should have sold it for the poor. However, the church did not realize nor did they see that her act was of worship, and obedience. We cannot stop obeying the voice of the Holy Spirit even when others speak evil against us.
When we are still and quiet in His presence we learn His voice. This is something God has been putting me through lately. Though I have been quiet my whole life, God has been teaching me how to not only be quiet but listen for His voice. To quiet my thoughts, and emotions. It's hard! Things make me so mad sometimes and I have to express it to someone because we woman are emotional and have to tell.
Live in peace. Be still and quiet. Give Jesus all your attention; be Mary. What is your Alabaster jar?


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