True Faith

"Brothers and sisters, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. As you know, we count as blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy." -James 5:10-11

Most of you who read my blog often or know me personally know that Job in the Bible is my biblical hero. In his story we learn to trust God even when we don't understand. The essence of the story is true faith; and accepting all that life brings without all the answers as to why it happened. After all knowing God is better than knowing answers, right? God is not arbitary or uncaring, and pain is not always a punishment.
There are 3 things Job had to learn, we need to learn them as well: waiting, yielding, and hoping. All 3 of these things build our faith, and they build on each other. We build our faith by facing things head on...that's something my adopted Jesus mom keeps telling me. Many of us would rather sit in ashes with torn clothes and gnashing of teeth and feel sorry for ourself, it's normal. But after a while, it's time to get back up and execute your faith trusting that everything is going to work out to the will of God. Stay faithful to Him.
It's our human nature to question things, and in our world of instant we cannot stand to wait. In Jobs case he didn't get a direct answer at all. God actually answered him with questions about Himself, THE ALMIGHTY. What's more God waited to speak at the end of the book. As God spoke from the whirlwind to Job, Job was being reminded who he was talking to. As we wait on the Lord in our circumstances we learn to yield to the Lord. As God spoke to Job he was trying to get Job to submit to His power and authority over his life. Yielding is being willing to do whatever God wants, we serve God for who He is, not for what we feel. As we yield, God begins to direct our steps, and take us His way, and it is then that we see a speck of hope. In the entire book of Job my favorite verse is found, it is the only hopeful words spoken by Job in his time of testing.
"For I know that my Redeemer and Vindicator lives, and at last He [the Last One] will stand upon the earth. And after my skin, even this body, has been destroyed, then from my flesh or without it I shall see God, Whom I, even I, shall see for myself and on my side! And my eyes shall behold Him, and not as a stranger! My heart pines away and is consumed within me." Job 19:25-27
Hoping is remembering that God does love us, and that is more Powerful than anything we will ever face (John 16:33). We also must remember that that God hurts when we hurt. So genuinely so that he got personally involved in our struggle- He became a man and suffered and died for us.

We turn to God for understanding, endurance, and deliverance.

We ask important questions we might not take time to think about in our normal routine.

We let it prepare us to identify with and comfort others who suffer.

We are open to being helped by others who are obeying God.

We realize we can identify with what Christ suffered on the cross for us.

We become hardened and reject God.

We refuse to ask any questions and miss any lessons that might be good for us.

We allow it to make us self-centered and selfish.

We withdraw from the help others can give.

We accuse God of being unjust and perhaps lead others to reject Him.

We refuse to be open to any changes in our lives.

Dear Heavenly Father,
I am willing to wait, yield, and hope in you. You are my God; THE ALMIGHTY. You are everything to me. You knew my beginning, you see every step I take, you know my end. You planned everyday of my life. You lead me. My life is like a piece of music in your hand. You compose my up and downs. Nothing in my life takes you by surprise. Thank you for the valley's that feed me, thank you for the mountaintops that show me your Majesty. Keep me humble, Father. I love you. You are my God, you are my Savior. You are always the answer. In your Name.


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