Don't Plagerize Life

One of the things I struggle with in life is comparing myself to others, and not in a "I'm better than you" way, it's more of a "I wish I were like them" way. I think it's okay to admire things in people, and they be a role model for you, but when it comes to life there is a reason everything happens, there a reason you are you. This is something the Lord is teaching me. When we compare ourselves to other people we set ourselves up for failure. It is then that we take our eyes off of Jesus and His unique plan for our life. We try to mold ourselves into this other person we are not suppose to be. Since this is not the plan for our life, we fail and end up hurting ourselves.
Be who God made you to be, that plan that God has set before you is your standard. You wouldn't plagerize on a paper, because you would be failed. So don't plagerize in life. When you base your life on Christ's standards you can't fail. A woman I admire told me not long ago that, "Just because people are older than you don't mean they have it all figured out, and that life is any easier. It just means we have more experience and know a little more." So you see even in people you admire, their life isn't perfect.
We read in Philipians 1:6 that "God, that began a good work in you, will continue his work until it is finished on the day when Jesus comes back again." He keeps working on us. We aren't going to be perfect until Heaven. We can never live up or accomplish on earth the work that is being done in us. We need our perspective to be changed. Start looking at ourselves through God's eyes, we do that by reading the Bible which contains the mind of God. We start looking at ourselves as masterpieces of the creator. Show some hubris about your life. It's okay to be you. Am I where I hoped to be? NO! But God has a plan, and in the plan isn't laying back waiting for the Lord to just give me things, it's getting up and going. It's action. This is where the admiration and role model/mentor thing can be beneficial. While not trying to be them, how did they get to where they are today? What can they help apply to your life to get you back on the right path if you're not where you need to be?
Enjoy life, and the people who are in it. Make the most of every day. Continue to life your life the way God intended for you to. Be still and listen.


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