Rock and Worship

Last night some friends and I went to the Rock and Worship concert at Bojangles Arena here in Charlotte. We were mainly there for our favorite band, "Disciple." ( It was totally worth $10.00 to see them perform their song,"Rise Up" they killed it! They did a few more too. The song is about Christians rising up together, and it totally rocks.

There were some other bands there as well that I liked, Jars of Clay, Mercy Me, Hawk Nelson, just to name a few. Mercy Me did a good show too. It was very powerful at the end. The lead singer for Mercy Me spoke straight to our hearts and challenged us to stand out from the World, to be the change because the world isn't changing much. Just as we were singing with Disciple, "Rise Up" lets rise up as Christians and give the world Jesus, a change not even Obama can give you! I vote for that kind of change! I vote for Jesus.
It was also during his talk that I was reminded that I am a sinner saved by grace. We tend to forget that don't we Christians? It is nothing that we did to deserve to be saved or to keep it, it is only grace and the love of Jesus that keeps me. It's about my Savior loving me where I am, and never leaving me no matter how much I screw up.
After it was all said and done, we got to meet Disciple!
We were one of the last ones out of the arena. On our way out though, my heart sank when I saw this:
I don't know if you can tell, this is the arena and on the floor is trash! TRASH MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS! Left by Christians who were just challenged to be the change and make a difference, and they leave this?! Are you kidding me? Why because someone else will do it? Seriously? What kind of testimony is that to the world? To the workers who work their? A Christian concert and we leave our trash on the floor like we live in a barn? It's not like you were drunk and didn't know you had trash on the floor. It made me so mad. I was embarrassed mostly.
Anyway, just had to blow that steam off! Afterward my friends and I headed over to Waffle House about midnight and ate and hung out. I'm thankful for friends, and for the good times we are able to share.
Go change the world.


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