Unity: Spiritual Renewal
"BEHOLD, HOW good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment poured on the head, that ran down on the beard, even the beard of Aaron [the first high priest], that came down upon the collar and skirts of his garments [consecrating the whole body]. It is like the dew of [lofty] Mount Hermon and the dew that comes on the hills of Zion; for there the Lord has commanded the blessing, even life forevermore [upon the high and the lowly]."
-Psalm 133
Unity comes from the Greek word, "henotes" "heis" meaning one and "henos" meaning of one. It is speaking of oneness, it is a state of oneness or being in harmony and accord. Christians should be united in temper and affection, and not be split up. The Spirit in the body has created a basic unity that nothing can destroy.
Here is the big point I am trying to make in this series. If Christians are going to impact the world for Christ, we must be in unity first. Not see "eye to eye" on everything particularly, but rather have regard with one another in mind. That we all belong to Christ, and are filled with Him, and focused on ONE LORD! This is one of the reasons I am starting the Doctrine series I am, (which you are invited by the way, click on the tab for more info.) I feel like so many Christians do not know Doctrine, or understand it, and the effects it can have on your life as a believer. We all need to get on the same page. I mentioned in the last post, our union with Christ is the basis for unity with one another.
We have to continually renew ourselves so that we don't experience spiritual lethargy or dissatisfaction and end up blaming the preacher or whoever for their troubles. Pastor Rick Warren laid out the following steps of renewal, keep in mind that without the first all the others are impossible.
1. Personal Renewal (love God)- Unity with Christ! Everything begins with a renewed passion for Jesus as our greatest treasure and object of worship. It occurs as we take time everyday to study the Word, pray, sing, and connect with Jesus. Unplug from the things that drain you and allow God to renew your strength. This renews our hearts and minds to keep pressing on.
2. Relational Renewal (love others)- Unity with others. Once we have personal renewal with Jesus the first effect is that we have new hope for people and pursue them in love. This allows us to be authentic around others and simply be in loving community where we are known.
3. Missional Renewal (love the mission)- Unity with other. Once we have personal renewal and relational renewal, it results in that God's people want to be in mission together doing what God commands the church. Without personal renewal, a church cannot have relational renewal. Without both, a church has not life or unity that allows them to press on their mission with God together.
4. Church Renewal (love the brothers and sisters)- this is fruit of personal, relational, and missional renewal. The church experiences grace internally, and new passion for lost people externally. People trust their leaders within the church and one another more. They see themselves as a unified community.
One awesome thing about Doctrine is that is all ties in together. They interweave and sustain the other, all the points of doctrine point to the other. Unity points to the Doctrine of: Trinity, Imaging Christ, The Church, and Worship, and ultimately, The Kingdom of God!
More so, everything about our lives point back to God, it's all about God, He sustains life; the very reason we breathe. We do not belong to this world, we are not dependent on this world, the world can't tell me anything, it cannot renew me. Everything comes from the Father, Our Father in Heaven. Creator.
Go be renewed!
-Psalm 133
Unity comes from the Greek word, "henotes" "heis" meaning one and "henos" meaning of one. It is speaking of oneness, it is a state of oneness or being in harmony and accord. Christians should be united in temper and affection, and not be split up. The Spirit in the body has created a basic unity that nothing can destroy.
Here is the big point I am trying to make in this series. If Christians are going to impact the world for Christ, we must be in unity first. Not see "eye to eye" on everything particularly, but rather have regard with one another in mind. That we all belong to Christ, and are filled with Him, and focused on ONE LORD! This is one of the reasons I am starting the Doctrine series I am, (which you are invited by the way, click on the tab for more info.) I feel like so many Christians do not know Doctrine, or understand it, and the effects it can have on your life as a believer. We all need to get on the same page. I mentioned in the last post, our union with Christ is the basis for unity with one another.
We have to continually renew ourselves so that we don't experience spiritual lethargy or dissatisfaction and end up blaming the preacher or whoever for their troubles. Pastor Rick Warren laid out the following steps of renewal, keep in mind that without the first all the others are impossible.
1. Personal Renewal (love God)- Unity with Christ! Everything begins with a renewed passion for Jesus as our greatest treasure and object of worship. It occurs as we take time everyday to study the Word, pray, sing, and connect with Jesus. Unplug from the things that drain you and allow God to renew your strength. This renews our hearts and minds to keep pressing on.
2. Relational Renewal (love others)- Unity with others. Once we have personal renewal with Jesus the first effect is that we have new hope for people and pursue them in love. This allows us to be authentic around others and simply be in loving community where we are known.
3. Missional Renewal (love the mission)- Unity with other. Once we have personal renewal and relational renewal, it results in that God's people want to be in mission together doing what God commands the church. Without personal renewal, a church cannot have relational renewal. Without both, a church has not life or unity that allows them to press on their mission with God together.
4. Church Renewal (love the brothers and sisters)- this is fruit of personal, relational, and missional renewal. The church experiences grace internally, and new passion for lost people externally. People trust their leaders within the church and one another more. They see themselves as a unified community.
One awesome thing about Doctrine is that is all ties in together. They interweave and sustain the other, all the points of doctrine point to the other. Unity points to the Doctrine of: Trinity, Imaging Christ, The Church, and Worship, and ultimately, The Kingdom of God!
More so, everything about our lives point back to God, it's all about God, He sustains life; the very reason we breathe. We do not belong to this world, we are not dependent on this world, the world can't tell me anything, it cannot renew me. Everything comes from the Father, Our Father in Heaven. Creator.
Go be renewed!
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