Veteran's Day

This is a picture of my cousin, Ben on the far left. This was at a fellow Marine's funeral over in Tennessee. Ben is Corporal Ben Wiley. I am so proud of him. I love this picture.

Happy Veterans Day. I'm honored to say that I am related to Veteran's and am very proud of each one of them. To every Veteran out there, Thank you! For your service, dedication, and sacrifice.
Today I did something different. I stopped by a grave yard and visited each grave with a flag. Just to read the names and branch of service and be respectful in not forgetting that they lived once and sacrificed a lot on my behalf. I took some pictures, I am fascinated with older tombstones too. It's always interesting to read inscriptions on the stones. Many are theologically and doctrinally off base, especially when it comes to calling them angels now, and sleeping in Jesus. But I try not to get worked up about it. I'll explain more later, because it does matter. Here are a few of the pictures:

I don't know how these people died, I don't know if they knew Jesus or not. I do know the Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for us by dying in our place. He battled every sin on the cross, and won victoriously. We are redeemed through His blood. We are saved by His blood. That is why we cannot identify with angels. We are higher than the angels, the Bible says, and we are crowned with glory and honor. The angels cannot sing the song of redemption that we can sing as Christians. They don't need Christ's shed blood, they have not been bought with a price. When we die, we are very much alive, whether we go to Hell or's your choice. We do not sleep when we die. I love what that tombstone said about preparing for death eternity. We will all face it one day, why not choose Jesus now? Why not start living for Him now?
Thank God for His sacrifice. The sacrifice of His son. Thank Jesus for His sacrifice. The sacrifice of His life, for you! If that isn't love, I don't know what is. He makes a covenant with us. Though we betray Him, He still pursues us in a heart of love. Just like with the soldier, and those Americans who spit hate about America and war, these soldiers fight for your right to do that. It almost doesn't make any sense.
Lord protect our military.


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