I Want to be a Jellyfish!

"We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps. You can make plans, but the Lord's purpose will prevail. How can we understand the road we travel? It is the Lord who directs our steps. Human plans no matter how wise or well advised, cannot stand against the Lord." -Proverbs

On the way to church this morning I was listening to K-Love on the radio. I was actually more or less flipping around trying to find some good music to sing along with. During a little break the maker of Veggie Tales came on the program, they were promoting a new DVD he has out telling the story of Christmas. He recently changed his business name from "Big Idea" to "Jellyfish." When asked why, this is the story:
"Because jellyfish can’t choose their own course. They can’t locomote. They can go up a little, they can go down a little. But overall, they’re completely dependent on the current to carry them wherever they’re supposed to be. For a jellyfish to make a 20-year plan would be ridiculous. An act of ultimate hubris. And so it is with us. Rather than crafting their little plans and laboring to force things to go “their way,” Phil and his new cohorts at Jellyfish are committed to seeking and following God’s direction, each and every day – committed to staying in the “current” of God’s will, and letting Him carry them where they need to be. No long range plans, unless they come directly from God."
I shouted, "Amen!" What a true statement. I get so aggravated in interviews especially when I am asked where I see myself 5-10, 20 years down the road. I stumble on that question every time, because I don't know. I don't think that far ahead. Never have. I'm not one of those chicks whose had her wedding planned since age 6. I have lived my life one day at a time. I do not live by schedules, of course I have to be in class at a certain time and church other things like that, but outside of that I don't schedule every minute of my life.
My pastor encouraged our church today to Remember who we are in Christ. He addressed the truth that we are totally dependent on God. We cannot do life successfully without Him. That's the entire point, Phil Vischer is trying to make in his brief testimony above. He is the reason I even get a job interview, and a job, and whatever He might entrust me with. He knows that if I depend on Him with what He gives, it will be in good hands because I'm looking to Him for guidance and leadership in how to handle it.
Be a jellyfish, and remember who you are in Christ, the lesson for today.
I leave you with this, one of my favorite people:
PS: (watch the waffles one too!)


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