The Joy of Christmas

"May you be filled with JOY always thanking the Father who has enabled you to share the inheritance that belongs to God's holy people, who live in the light. For He has rescued us from the one who rules in the kingdom of darkness, and He has brought us into the Kingdom of His dear Son."
-Colossians 1:11-13

The joyous music of Christmas is by far the best of all. From the first Christmas, when a choir of angels sang praises to God, calling for peace, and good will on earth on this joyous occasion, music has been a significant part in the telling and celebration of Jesus’ birth and story. This Christmas I hope you have made a joyful noise unto the Lord. He is worthy of our praise and worship. The good thing about Jesus is He goes beyond just the Christmas season.
Jesus has come to bring joy! True joy comes from Jesus. You cannot seek Jesus and not find joy!
Jesus is joy because it is through Him that we are able to be called children of God. He came to be the light of the World, and teach those who would follow Him to be lights in this World. It is because of Jesus that THE way was provided to Heaven, that the grip and power of sin lost its grip on man, and death was overcome!(John 16:33)
In a sermon I was listening to recently, Pastor Stephen Davey, of Colonial Baptist Church put it this way using The Chronicles of Narnia as an illustration. "Why must the Lion of Judah come? Because earth is in the grip of winter; of continual winter, without ever the joy of Christmas. Ah, but Mr. Beaver says to the children who have stumbled into the drama of Narnia, “Aslan is on the move.” Already there are signs of a coming rescue – there are evidences of springtime, a resurrection, and a new creation."
Jesus brings Christmas and a promise. You see the manger points to the promise of the cross, redemption for man; life. The promise that just as He came as a baby, that He will come again for His children and take them home to be with Him forever. He promised He will always be with us, because we know Jesus we can have joy no matter what circumstance comes our way. It is the same joy that caused Nehemiah to write, "...the joy of the Lord is my strength!"(8:10) Believers can have profound contentment, serenity, and peace no matter what happens. We must depend on His strength, rather than our own. Joy does not come from anything tangible. We cannot rely on what we experience to give us joy, but on Christ within us. His joy is greater than life's trials. We are strong in the Lord's Victory!
Is there room in your heart for Him?


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