Because of His Mercies

"Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God..." -Romans 12:1
This passage of scripture has become my life verse. I first came to learn and memorize it when I was 12 years old which amazes me because at 12 I was such a problem child and had so many issues. One would not believe that it was my favorite scripture. However, I believe God planted this very special verse into my heart, and I have continued to hide in my heart for the past 11 years. Little by little He reveals and speaks the depths and mercies of this verse into my life.
With that said, I find it interesting, as we look at verse 1 that the only vocabulary Paul can use to capture the essence of Christianity is the language of sacrifice and transformation. Paul begins with characteristic passion.
Lets start with the first word, "Therefore" wow! That is a word with a lot of power behind it. Therefore is an adverb, meaning it often tells when, where, why, or under what conditions something happens or happened. In our case Paul uses this word on the basis of everything he had previously revealed in his letter to the Romans, not just in what we call chapter 11, but from the very beginning when Paul defined himself as a slave of Jesus. In other words Paul is saying, "On the basis of all you have learned about God, here is how you should live for God."
So what up to this point have we learned about Jesus? What are the mercies He has given us? Just in Romans alone we find this:
the peace of God (1:7)
• the power of the gospel (1:16)
• the kindness and longsuffering of God toward us (2:4)
• a right standing before God (3:21-22)
• the forgiveness of every sin – past, present, and future (4:7-8)
• the hope in God’s glory (5:2)
• the love of God poured out in our hearts (5:5)
• the Holy Spirit (5:5)
• justification by the blood of Christ (5:9)
• salvation from the wrath of God (5:9)
• reconciliation with God (5:10)
• the gift of eternal life (6:23)
• the freedom to bear fruit for God (7:4)
• membership in the family of God (8:14)
• security in our salvation (8:38-39)
• mercy from God (9:23)
• the good news of the gospel (10:17)
God has given us everything. That is why Paul does not begin this chapter on the subject of Christian behavior by saying, "Now there’s one more thing you need to receive from God." Salvation is God’s gift to us. Being a living sacrifice is our gift to God. Because of His mercies we can live for Him! This is very thing Jesus knew when He gave me this verse to treasure in my heart. Though I wasn't exactly living for Him God knew I was going to accept His sweet salvation and I was going to inherit all His mercies so I could live for Him.
We don't emphasize living for Jesus enough do we? We hear a lot of the martyrs, and people of great faith who did die for the name of Christ. You can die a martyr’s death, in one heroic act of faith. Many heroes of the faith have done just that. I support the "Voice of the Martyr's" ministry, I pray everyday for those who are persecuted, and chained because of the their audacious faith for Jesus. God, most likely, will not call most of us to that kind of death. But He is calling all of us to that kind of life! Are you eager to live for Christ?
Paul is not inviting us to a life of deliverance, but of dedication. It makes me think of the old hymn, "Living For Jesus."
Living for Jesus a life that is true,
Striving to please Him in all that I do;
Yielding allegiance, glad hearted and free,
This is the pathway of blessing for me.
O Jesus, Lord and Savior,
I give myself to Thee;
For Thou, in Thy atonement,
Didst give Thyself for me.
I own no other Master,
My heart shall be Thy throne.
My life I give, henceforth to live,
O Christ, for Thee alone.
Dear Jesus,
Because of your mercies toward me, what can I do other than give myself to you. May I live a daily life for you, holy, and set apart, not for me and my pleasure, but for Yours alone. Thank you that your mercies are new everyday, thank you for your faithfulness. I love you, Jesus. Living for You in Your name.
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