Greater is He that is in You!

"But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world." -1 John 4:4 If we are going to understand this verse, we must understand who the Trinity is to a degree. We must understand that outside of the Trinity there is no life. Everything we do as Christians revolves in the Trinity-my worship, my love, prayer...etc. I do it all by the Spirit in me, through Jesus, to the Father. The Father loves the Son, and the Son loves the Father. We belong to the Father, we were made for God the Father, and the victory has been won through the Son in His death on the cross, and resurrection. When we ask Jesus to come live inside of us, we are given the Holy Spirit who is greater because He has overcome anything we will ever encounter in the world. He is greater in us because He loves us! We are made for Him, we belong to Him. Thursday, as I was sitting at Carowinds waiting to go in, I got to thinking about God and His love, and His plans for our lives. We will never understand Him and His ways. His ways are good, they are in love. I started picturing God planning my life, and so many times I think many of us picture Him as this God who wants us to hurt and experience pain, and want bad to happen. But sin and evil is not of God, He is love. All that happens to us must go through His hands first, and I keep going back to Job in my thought process. God redeemed in Job, what Satan had destroyed, at the same time God did allow it not because He hated Job, or because He wanted to get back at him, and teach him a thing or two. Just as, God was not unloving when He didn't allow Moses into the promised land. We miss the bigger picture in life I think. The promises He gives us, the love He gives us, they are more about Him, the promiser and lover, than the promise itself. It's as if we never gained Heaven, but still had Him. So in essence, because we were made for God, it doesn't matter if we are in the wilderness or the promised land, God is with us, and we always have Him. It is not His highest aim to make us happy. His highest aim is that you seek out the eternal purpose of God and get in line with it. He will enable you to do this, because He resides in you. I believe He calls us to experience a love that goes beyond what we naturally think or feel. It's a love that loves God simply for who He is, and not what He does for you, even to the depth that He never saved you. He was never obligated to save us. He was never obligated to Redeem Job, He was never obligated to give Moses and his ancestors the promised land. The question we must ask ourselves is, "Is eternal life my goal, and not God Himself?" Is the promised land my goal? That's what God wanted to teach the Hebrew children, what He wanted to teach Job, what He wants to teach us. Could it be that we're scraping for the promised land, when in reality we have already received the Promise? Greater is HE that is in ME! God Himself, through the Spirit. His love! Just to know His love, and to love Him.


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