Road Trippin'

I got to looking all the grains of sand, and I was like you think about me that much, God?  Really?!  What's more is, His thoughts about us outnumber the grains of sand.  Wow.  I wrote this this other morning reflecting on everything.  

Seashells are God's free gift to you. Grains of sand, God's free reminder that He's thinking of 

you. The ocean, the depths of His love. He say's He is 

jealous for you, that He loves you; it's true! Just look around you! The tide ebbs and flows, in and 

out. The waves never cease, it washes ashore more thoughts, more free gifts. It's a liquid love 

that will never run dry. Every morning He sets the stage, could today be the day? Glimpses of 

glory He gives us each day. In the gray sober sky, there is a ray of sunshine with the hope of a 

promise. He draws us close in the beauty of His majesty, and sings a song. He wrote a 

symphony to express His love for you and me. The wind sings her part, as the waves keep the 

beat. Sand dances under my feet. -Allison Baker

This was the sunrise.  Looks like Jesus could step out at any minute doesn't it?  The Creator is astounding isn't He? The winds and seas obey Him.  

This is the home I lived in for 4 years, and the church my dad pastored.  This is where I would sit on the porch and swing.  Loved quiet country nights out here.

This is a little country store I would walk to every once in a while for a coke and some candy.  Fond memories. 


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