Just call me Jonah

For the past 10 years of my life I have known what the Lord has been calling me too. For the past 4 years I have been running from it, doing everything but what He has called me to do. I'd talk about it here and there, kick around the idea, but I went to total opposite way from what God is calling me to do. He dealt with me today at church. That number 1 I need to stop running, number 2 when He says "Go," GO! It's never too late to submit to the plan of Jesus for your life. Many storms in our lives are results of our own stubborness. Try as we might to blame it on others, but the truth is that it is pure disobedience to the voice and leadership of God. I'm thankful for my Savior and that He has forgiven me of my stubborn ways, and that fact that I can never stray so far away that He cannot hear me. Oh the depths of His mercy and grace.
So I have found myself crying YES! to God. Repenting and falling before an Almighty God who stopped me in my tracks today giving me one more chance to submit to His will, and even reminding me of what He will is for my life. All the while I must say God has a sense of humor this was all happening as the choir I sing in sang, "When the Lord Says Go you better start moving." He also revealed to me why I've been so miserable this semester especially...running from God makes you miserable! Don't do it!
It is my deep desire, from the depths of my heart that I be all God has called me to be. My pastor taught on leadership tonight, God has had a hold of me all day. I pray that the principles that were taught tonight would root down deep in the soul, and develop me into the leader He is making me to be today.
Today on May 6th 2012 I am committing myself to following His will, and calling into ministry and to go to seminary. I trust Him, and I will not run anymore.
I'm saying yes to God, will you?


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