The Keys to Worship, Part 1

"...Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised..."
-1 Chronicles 16

For the next few days I want to focus in on the keys to worship. What is our call to worship?

Worship begins by recognizing who God is. If you read any of the Psalms, or anything David wrote you will notice how he expresses always the character and attributes of God. There are 4 attitudes that shape our approach to God in Worship.
1. Reverence- we acknowledge God as supreme; our Creator who surpasses everything and everyone. We are humbled and reverence Him because of his highness and loftiness.
2. Spiritual- we worship in spirit and in truth (John 4:24) Jesus means that our worship is much more than outward expressions, it must take place in our spirit. God sees the attitudes of our heart. When we worship in spirit it is the sanctuary of the heart.
3. Veneration- we exalt that person or being, we extol him or her, and put them first in our lives. Exodus 20:3 says to have no other gods before me, the one true God. We must be careful who or what we put above God as priority, it quickly becomes our idol, our other god. When we put Him first in our lives and allow Him to be the center of all we do, everything else will fall into place.
4. Praise- determining and acknowledging the value or worth of something. When worship through praise we describe Him. He is awesome, He is our rock, fortress, deliverer, great, wonderful. (Hebrews 13:15) Worship causes us to contemplate, and appreciate our Holy God, we are given a deeper desire to obey Him.
Are we all for Jesus?


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