The Keys to Worship, Part 2

Worship and praise by definition enable the worshiper to transcend the earthly plane. Jesus lifts us up through a worship that transcends the limits of our world in at least 3 ways.
(1) Worship transcends the temporal. It's amazing how caught up in worship we become to where we are able to say, "Where did the time go?!" True worship not only transcends time, it also lifts us beyond the limits of those things that time and life have engrained in our systems of thought and habit. Worship releases from that which constrains us; the years of sin and bondage that have woven and warped us.
(2) Worship transcends the traditional. Living worship is never static; rather it always finds fresh, and vital ways of expressing praise to God. Yet praying for the new wine of the Spirit requires us to be ready to find the old renewed- to stretch new wineskins that can contain God's renewing freshness.
(3) Worship transcends the theoretical. It is not merely a cerebral, mystical, or emotional experience. It is the humbling of the entire human being- body, mind, and spirit, before THE Creator-Redeemer. True worship transcends the vain supposition that human energy gets the ball rolling. God is the source and foundation for all out becoming, doing, and accomplishing. Worship catches us up to God, only to plunge us into and prepare us to deal with issues related to everyday life.
Worship is life.


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